The End of Summer

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As July ended Breeze knew that her summer in Coastal Beachton, would too soon come to an end. Breeze had never expected to fall in love with the guy from the wrong side of the tracks nor did she expect that she might sort of kind of, possibly have feelings for his best friend, who everyone believed was dead. She also never expected that she'd become best friends with the soulless ginger next door and she definitely did not ever expect Guage's ex, Wendy, would blow back into town and try to steal Gauge away from her. And she definitely didn't expect that her evil aunt would date Gauge's loving father who . . . who . . . it was too painful to think about. She had more pressing things to worry about. Worst of all, she didn't even have a song for her and Gauge nor one that she felt described what she had with.

    "Summer is hard!" Breeze whines from her bedroom. Her bedroom window is open and the sound of crashing waves along the beach can be heard. It is a sunny day, but it is also a bittersweet day, for in two days, she leaves. She peers outside her bedroom window, over to Ariella's house, where he open window exposes her empty room. This was weird to Breeze. Usually, anytime she looked over, looked over, Ariella set in a chair with a sign ready, just like in the Taylor Swift's music video "You Belong With Me." As she turns away, she hears Ariella's door close and she turns back to the window. Cash sits in the window with sign that reads "Hey, Girl!" Breeze sighs and replies with a sign of her own. "Cash?"

"Hey, girl," Ariella bursts in the room and then sighs when she sees Cash holding up the sign, "I told him we weren't going to do that today. Anyway, girl, the newly renovated picnic area is all booked for tomorrow night's party and I have some songs for us to look through. Oh, is Wendy here?"

"No, she headed out early," Breeze informs her, "and thank God, little Miss. Tide Pod has to leave tomorrow night. This is turning into the best party ever."

"Good, so take a listen at some of these tunes," Ariella presses play on her phone, "for you and Gauge . . ." The song "It's going to be Me," by N'Sync plays.

"Too on the nose," Breeze shoots it down.

"Okay, this is one if for our little supernatural problem," Ariella says and switches songs to the Ghostbusters theme song.

"Not funny, Ariella," Breeze replies.

"Okay, another one for Gauge," Ariella plays the next song, "Sometimes" by Britney Spears.

"I don't think it screams Brage," Breeze shoots it down.

"Brage?"Ariella asks.

"It's our couple name," Breeze tells her, "for my shippers."

"Oh, I get it," Ariella replies, "it works for both Gauge and Cage. Okay, here's another one for Cage." The song "Toxic" by Britney Spears plays.

"Why did I even ask you for help?" Breeze ponders.

Cage approaches Gauge's house only to see him lying on the ground on his leather jacket, tinkering on the motorbike.

"Hey Gauge," Cage greets him. Gauge is startled and slides back from his jacket in fright. "Listen, I know things have been . . .weird between us, but I came for my bike. We don't have to speak and you don't have to say anything. I . . . I'm not . . . Gauge I miss the way we use to be."

"I miss the good ole' days too, man," Gauge admits, still somewhat afraid of him, sometimes . . ." Gauge stands up, "I wish you really here."

"I am," Cage assures him, "that's why I'm here for the bike."

"I guess it's time?" Gauge asks.

"Yeah, it is," Cage tells him, "thanks for taking a look at it man. I . . . I can't lie, I'm going to take it to a real mechanic, but I appreciate you looking at for all of this time."

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