Cage- A Dead Guy Who's Not So Dead

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(The video upload button comes on. Uploading complete). Hey, it's Cage. Last year was one of the roughest years of my life. It all started that summer, when I fell in love with the new girl. Her name is Wendy and she was a bombshell when I first saw her on THE peer with resident soulless ginger, Ariella. You see, back then, Wendy was blonde-not this strawberry blonde thing she has going on, but sheer platinum blonde. (Wendy stands with her back against the railing of the THE peer, in a two piece bikini, wearing sunglasses). I wasted no time in introducing myself. I could tell she was into me as much as I was into her. (As Cage introduces himself, Wendy smiles, as if interested, but that is really because in the reflection of her sunglasses, she watches Gauge, dressed in signature leather jacket step onto the beach). When I finally got the nerve to ask her out, you can imagine how happy I was that she said yes. (As Cage asks her out, he is oblivious to the fact that Gauge, who is behind him, takes off his leather jacket, revealing his tight white t-shirt. Wendy replies with an "oh yeah").  The summer came to  a head at Vanessa's 4th of July party. It was truly one of the worst night's of my life. Vanessa owns a beach home and I hear she's a big fan of erotica . . .

Last Year, July 4th . . .

    The party is packed under the picnic shelter that would be one year later, destroyed by hurricane Wendy. Rihanna's song "S&M" blasts from the party. Ariella stands by the punch bowl sipping on a cup of punch. Vanessa grinds on a young stud before breaking off from him.

    "I'll see you later," she tells the young stud with a wink before dancing her way over to the punch bowl. "Ariella, I am so glad your parents let you come," Vanessa greets her, while getting some punch and never stopping her booty shake.

    "Of course they did," Ariella says with a scoff as she drinks her punch, "your parties always excite them. I saw them run off to the one of the bushes nearby."

    "Oh and who are you looking at?" Vanessa asks her, then follows her eye line to Cash. "Oh, Cash. I know him, seen him around a couple times."

    "One day I am going to slap his face so hard that those sunglasses fly off his face," Ariella admits, "and then I'm going to kiss him" There is moment of Vanessa dancing with her punch before Ariella realizes what she says. "Which is exactly what someone who was interested in him would would say," Ariella tries to cover, "which is definitely not me." Pssh. Cash, what a stupid name."

    "You'll get him one day," Vanessa encourages her, tossing her now empty punch cup away and dances to a new location. She dances her way over to Cash, who has greeted the newly arrived Gauge.

    "You came out," Cash greets him. Gauge wears his signature leather jacket, white t-shirt, jeans and leather studded boots. Cash, is wearing his typical boating clothes, complete with sunglasses, even though it is night. Gauge grunts. "Yeah, don't worry, Vanessa's party are always loud and crazy," Cash replies.

    Vanessa smacks Cash on his behind.

    "You've got eyes on you," she says with a wink before dancing off to another stud. He looks over and in the distance Ariella smiles at him looking towards her.

    "One day, I bet Vanessa and I will have a kiss in the rain," Cash says with a smile on his face. Gauge grunts. "Yeah, don't worry man, it's not going to rain tonight," Cash assures him. The song now switches to Nelly Furtado's "Maneater." The crowd parts as Wendy makes her entrance to the song, all but Vanessa, who is now grinding on a new man.

    "Best summer vacation ever!" Brett Bretterson, the man dancing with Vanessa shouts.

    "I hear you know how to play a guitar," Vanessa says, pulling him into her even closer.

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