Chapter 9 "Saying our goodbyes"

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Chapter 9

Kieran's POV

I regretted making her leave.
But I already have Shalle, right?

I grabbed my phone and texted Shalle.

To: Shalle

You can move in.

I turned my phone off and layed on my bed, putting my right arm over my eyes.

I rolled around the bed as I remembered her reaction.
There was a glimpse of...'sadness?pain? betrayal?'
I asked myself.

I went back to reality as my phone vibrated.

From: Shalle

Can you pick me up?

I quickly stood up, grabbed my keys and went straight to my car.

I hesitated to go to her house as I felt that something would go wrong but I just shook it off and drove to her house.

*beep beep*

After a couple of seconds.
She went out with a two bags with her.

I helped her carry and put it in the back .

I opened the door for her and closed it as soon as she got in.

I walked to the other side and got in.

I held her hand as I drove back to the mansion.

"You know... I really missed this," she said softly as I squeezed her hand lightly. A small smile creeping on my lips.


I let go of her hand as I took my cellphone.

It was from a private number.

'Go to the (kaw na mag isip ng pangalan kung saan) if you want this raven haired girl alive.'

'Raven haired girl....?could They be talking about Schleine?....' anger started to fill me as I thought of what they might do to Schleine.

I drove to the said place with MAX speed.

"H-hey Kieran slow down!' Shalle yelled as she was already screaming in fear.

I stopped it at the parking lot and quickly got out but a hand stopped me.

"Where are you going?" Shalle asked,her eyes showing both worry and fear.

"Just stay here," I said as I pulled my hand and locked the car.

I went inside and the only light was the moon.

I stopped in my tracks as I heard a voice.

"Well,well I didn't really expect you to show up," a voice said.
I could hear the footsteps coming closer.

My blood started to boil as I saw who the person was.

'Tristan Zacarias.'

"How about we make a deal?" He asked in a teasing voice.

"What deal?" I growled, fuming with anger.

"I let this girl go in exchange of your life!" He exclaimed,laughing like a psycho.

"Kieran just Leave!" I turned to see Schleine, she had tears in her eyes as a man was holding both of her hands back.

"Boss we found another one!" I turned my head to the direction of the voice to see a man holding Shalle by her neck with handcuffs on.

"Kieran help!" She yelled, struggling to breath.

" about this?" He exclaimed, his fingers in his chin as he was looking up, " give me 10 billion and I set one of them free."

"Or you all die." He grinned as he pointed a gun towards Shalle.

"Damn," I mumbled.

Schleine's POV

'Maybe...... this is the least I can do....'

"Kieran..." I said,my head hungin low. Making all the eyes look at me.

"Pick Shalle. Run..." I exclaimed as tears ran down my cheeks.

I broke out of the hold of the man as I took the arm of the man known as 'Tristan Zacarias' and pointed it to my head, still holding his arm.

"This is the least I could do for the both of you...." I started.

"At least I would be able to make two people happy with this," I managed to say as I put on a sad closed eye smile.

"Now, this is my first and last wish...BE HONEST" I looked at him in the eye.

"Even for a second... did you even love me-"


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