Chapter 4 "Worried for you"

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Chapter 4

Schleine's POV

I woke up early, time check: 4:30 am

I did my daily routine and went straight to his room.

I peeked and saw he's not in his room.

So, I went downstairs and saw the woman who was in her early 50s .

" any chance, do you know where he went?" I asked sounding as polite as I could.

"Oh, Kieran? Last night, around 11 pm he went out, he said he was going to a club," I grew irritated.

"And you didn't even stop him?" I asked irritation filling both my face and voice.

"I couldn't do anything," she said, looking down.

"Tsk!" I scoffed and dashed outside.


I was greeted by a loud music and the smell of alcohol.

I went inside and looked around, I saw him sitting with girls around him, one was clinging onto his arm, holding a glass of wine.

I marched towards his direction as I slapped him and dragged him outside by his collar.

"What's your problem?!" He yelled, I stepped back as I smelled alcohol.

"Sheesh you're ruining your life just because of a heart break?!" I yelled, why am I so angry about this?'

"My life is already ruined!the second she left me, my world was shattered! Why would you even care?!"he exclaimed.

"Oh cut the crap!" I yelled in his face. Slapping him again.

"Stop forcing yourself into my life!you're nothing but an extra!who do you think you are?acting as if you're my girlfriend?!" He yelled as I felt something shoot in my right and left shoulder.

The only thing I saw has him, shaking me as everything went black.

Kieran's POV

I quickly snapped out of it as I saw blood on her left and right shoulder.

I shut my eyes close, to make sure I wasn't dreaming or anything else.

When I opened my eyes she was already in the floor, bleeding I quickly bent down and held her, shaking her.

"Hey,snap out of it," I managed to say in a calm voice.

I quickly called David, the he vice president of our group.

"Yes boss?"

"Track my location and come here now, bring a car and make it FAST" I yelled as I ended the call.

I held her closer to me, "Come on hang in there," I said, worry clear in my voice.

I hugged her as I waited for David to arrive.

I carried her bridal style as I saw a car headed our direction.

I immediately sat in the back with her still in my arms.

I closed the door with my free hand.

"What happened boss?" I looked at him through the mirror.

"Just shut up and drive," I said trying to hide the emotions that were engulfing me.

"To my house, call a doctor," I exclaimed, looking at her face.
That is now pale.

'Damn...why did I even go here in the first place?....I just hurt the people around me...'

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