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"... and then she kissed her. They lived happily ever after."

Lisa Manoban stood in the door frame, leaning against it, with the brightest smile on her face, as she watched Jennie Kim.

"Mama," Their five year old said, and Lisa could already feel the sass coming. "That ending was so lame, what the hell?"

Lisa couldn't help but chuckle and decided to interrupt when she saw her wife open up her mouth to probably retort just as sassily.

"Well, yeah, but that's how your mom did it!"

"Oookay ㅡ", She said quickly, walking over to the bed. "Time for bed, missy."

She pressed a kiss to Jennie's cheek and told her she would join her on the couch in a little bit, once the little brat was asleep. With a giggle, Jennie leaned down to kiss their daughter good night and soon left the room.

"I didn't really think the ending was lame," The little girl said as she suppressed a yawn, and Lisa smiled down at her. "You just tell it better, Mom."

"I know, sweetheart," Lisa assured her moon and stars, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Sweet dreams."

"Sweet dreams."


"You know, she gets tha sass from you," Jennie spoke as soon as Lisa entered the living room. She sat on the couch, blanket draped over her legs, book in hand and open on her latest page.

"I digress ㅡ she totally has it from you," Lisa retorted as she slid into the open spot next to her wife, Jennie already lifting the blanket so they could cuddle up. The comment earned her a slap, but it was all jokes and giggles.

This is what Lisa loved most about their relationship; from that one kiss, after that one date, everything just went uphill. And sure, they faced some struggles, because let's be real ㅡ no relationship is perfect ㅡ but they always worked it through.

Lisa Manoban had always vowed to keep away from love until she had settled down, but that was not in the stars for her. Luckily for her, the stars granted her with Jennie Kim. And she held dearly onto that.

Lisa rested her head on her wife's shoulder and silently hummed to herself, her eyes closed in pure bliss. They continued to sit like that for a while, until Jennie finally called it a day on her book and closed it, placing it on the edge of the couch as she always did. It would stay there until the next day, when she would pick it up until she was satisfied over the amount she had read. Lisa loved these tiny little habits and routined Jennie had. It made her love her more.

"Happy anniversary, love," Jennie turned to face Lisa and leaned in to place a gentle kiss on plump lips. It was soft and slow, and Lisa lost herself in it.

"Mhm," She murmed against Jennie's lips after a bit. She couldn't believe it. Eight years had it been since that one kiss; they made sure to remember it every year. But it had been eight years, and both were so grateful.

In an impulsive gesture, Lisa stood up from the couch and pulled her wife with her. She took the smaller girl into her arms, encircling them around her shoulders so she could press them into a bear hug. Then, she softly started humming again; and soon they were swaying to the music Lisa made. It was peaceful. It was them.

It was inevitable though that after a while, Lisa's humming died out and their lips found each other again.

Lisa Manoban felt so nauseatingly in love with Jennie Kim in that moment; and she vowed to herself silently that she'd never stop showing her. Eight years in and her heart still skipped a beat whenever Jennie flashed her that dorky, cheeky and silly smile. She always did that?, especially whenever she or their daughter did something cute.

hinder ㅡ jenlisaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora