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Once upon a time there was a knight in shining armour. This knight in shining armour had no purpose in life, and sat around until one day, the knight's best friend made them move their ass up. On their journey outside, they ran into a damsel in distress, a most beautiful princess. The princess was in bad company; a dragon had marked its territory, but the knight had no fear whatsoever. Fiercely, they drove away the dragon. The knight was captivated by this princess.

But the princess had no interest in the knight. At all.

Lisa groaned, almost tempted to bash her head upon her desk as she took out her anger and disappointment on her keyboard.

She knew it was ridiculous, and she should be writing up an essay instead of stupid fairytales about her miserable love life, but she couldn't help it.

Because Jennie hadn't texted her after their date at the carnival.

No, not date, her terrible date with that dude she saved her from. After the carnival thing, they swapped numbers, and Lisa had been waiting for a text message ever since, but she had received nothing. Some part of Lisa's consciousness was whispering to her that maybe Jennie had gone on another date, and that this time, it had been successful. Another part of her consciousness just brushed it off.

Then there was Jisoo Kim, of course, shouting into her ear rather brutally that she should just text her first with every chance she got. She brushed that off, too.

Tired of her attitude, Rosé and Jisoo had refused to keep her company tonight, and so she had decided to catch up on school work - or more like, get ahead of - but that wasn't working too well either. So far, she had produced a shitty story to get rid of her miserable mood, and had groaned about fifty times. Well, fifty-one, counting the last one.

But of course, because how can life not be cliché, the very second she had given up and decided to join Rosé and Jisoo in their plans to get absolutely hammered, her phone buzzed.

[From Jennie]: hi i kinda need ur help

[From Jennie]: i went to this bar with my friend but she disappeared

[From Jennie]: is there a code word for 'drunk and clingy' cuz that's my company rn

[From Jennie]: halp? plz?

Lisa Manoban sighed, for two reasons: one) she was pathetic, two) she was terribly glad to hear from Jennie.

[To Jennie]: on my way.


Lisa expected a lot of things, but this one was not one of the things she expected. The orange-haired currently stood before a bar, with people, girls, swarming in and out. Yes, she was standing in front of a gay club, and it was girls' night. Part of Lisa wanted to scream out in victory and dance out her happiness in the middle of the street, but another part of her was staring at the doors dumbfounded, jaw probably on the floor.

Jennie was probably bisexual. Or she has a gay friend. Either.

Lisa liked to think the first statement was true. Or she hoped so.

There was only one way to find out, though, so she made her way inside and elbowed her way through the crowd to the bar, where the brunette had told her to go to. And soon enough, there she was. Code word 'drunk and clingy' had not been exaggerated, because the girl at Jennie's side was all over her. Her hands were everywhere. She could practically smell how drunk the girl was from here, and she was at the other end of the bar. Instantly, she felt sorry for Jennie having to deal with this, though the brunette's actions thothoroughly amused her.

Drunk girl had laid her hand upon Jennie's knee, so Jennie moved her hand to remove it, as it clearly made her uncomfortable, but the drunk took it as a positive sign - and intertwined their fingers together.

Laughing loudly - no one could hear her anyway - Lisa decided to come to Jennie's rescue before things got worse.

"Girl, you're probably moving too fast," Lisa said loudly as soon as she stood next to the pair.

It took a few seconds before drunk one turned to her, but Jennie's brown eyes were on her immediately. They lit up as if she were the best thing that ever happened to her, and Lisa offered her a tight smile.

"Lisa!" Jennie sighed, obviously relieved, rapidly wriggling her hand from drunkard's grip now that she was distracted.

"Who are you?" The drunk blonde grunted, which made Lisa smirk.

"Her ex-girlfriend," She retorted swiftly, raising a bushy eyebrow in challenge. "And you?"

She merely added it to be polite, because if she were in this position, she'd bolt as soon as she heard 'ex-girlfriend'.

"Her future girlfriend."

Next to the blonde, Jennie started coughing, having choked mid-drink at the girl's bold reply, and Lisa's amusement disappeared right away.

"Fuck no, you're not," Lisa told her.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," Furious big and dark brown eyes stared into blue ones, and soon they began to show fear, which only made Lisa smirk. Having gained confidence from the drunkard's silence, she turned to a flabbergasted Jennie, and said, loud enough for at least a few by-standers to hear:

"Jennie, I know it's been like.. what.. five years since I've seen you? But you're the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. I haven't stopped thinking about you since I met you; and if you'd give me a chance. Another, I mean." She hastily added once she realized her slip up, "I will do everything to keep you. I won't talk about my job the whole damn time and bore you out of your mind; I won't mistreat you, any woman or any of your friends; and I sure as hell won't push or cling when you don't want me to."

She turned back to the drunken girl and smiled at her sweetly.

"Now step off, bitch."

Lisa didn't know where the whole façade came from, or how she'd come up with this scheme, but she did know that the drunken girl scampered off. With a triumphant grin, she took the bar stool for her own, and turned to Jennie.

"So, where's that friend of yours?" She asked curiously - wondering if there indeed was a friend, and not just an excuse.

"Probably in the bathroom with some girl, I don't know," Jennie said with a shy smile that Lisa found so endearing.

"So, girls, huh?" Lisa asked teasingly as she signaled a bar tender to get them a few drinks, missing Jennie's very deep blush on her cheeks.

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