::Playing A Shinigami's Game:: (L Lawliet Love Story) Chapter 14.

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~Anarchy’s P.O.V. ~

We were all sitting in the main area of the hotel room L and I were staying at. Everyone was gathered and were seated in couches around a small table Matsuda and Ukita were sitting together on a couch and Aizawa on a different couch across from them. L was sitting in his usual chair while I sat on the arm of the chair leaning back a bit. I was still a bit tired from all these past nights, but I usually push through until I pass out. My eyes wandered as someone began talking.

“Regarding Naomi Misora’s disappearance, shouldn’t we open an investigation into this matter?” It was Ukita who was speaking. His eyes were looking at L before shifting to meet mine. My eyes widened just the slightest as I once again saw how his death would play out. Only, there was more details upon seeing it this time. I bit the inside of my cheek; his death was today. I leaned over to L after Ukita stopped talking and whispered into his ear.

“Ukita will die today.” I glanced at him to see his still emotionless expression, his eyes met mine showing little hints of sorrow.

“Yes, I believe you’re right on that.” He said, making it seem less suspicious as to what I said.

“What’d she say?” Matsuda asked in confusion, putting his hands on his knees. L’s eyes moved back to where the others were.

“If we do, it will have to be coordinated separately from the Kira case.” L told them. “That was what she had told me. She’s still a bit tired so she’s saving as much energy as she can for now by talking quietly.”

“Oh,” Matsuda started. “That makes sense. I mean, she has been staying up through the nights lately. I can only imagine how tired she is now.”

“Also,” L hummed. “We’ll have to use police sketches instead of actual photos.” I shot a confused glance at L before whispering in his ear again.

“But wouldn’t Kira be able to use that as a reference to her face so he could still kill her?” I questioned. If all he needs is a name and a face, then accurate drawing or photos would make his job easier.

“That is a good point but we’ll alter it slightly so it won’t be exact.” L said while looking at me.

“What did Angel say now?” Aizawa inquired.

“She brought up a point of using exact resemblance sketches. Since Kira needs a name I’m sure photos or quality sketches would work just as well. So I suggested altering her appearance a bit so that Kira wouldn’t be able to kill her even if he saw it.” The others hummed in agreement to what he said.

“But we’re talking about someone who’s been missing for 4 months already. Chances are she’s probably dead.” Aizawa explained as I tried to reach for some of L’s cake without actually having to get up from where I was. I grunted softly, my arm was a good distance from it. I huffed while letting my arm rest on my knee before L reached down himself and handed me his plate of cake. I took it gingerly and looked at him before putting the fork in my hand and taking a bite of the sugary treat. I whispered a near silent thanks to him as I took another bite.

“If you’re right about that I find it odd that we haven’t found her body yet. If we did, it might provide us with some much needed physical evidence.” I listened to him talk before a door closed. Our attention drifted over to Watari who had just walked in the room. It must’ve been something urgent for him to barge in so suddenly.

“Ryuzaki, Angel,” He started. “Something seems to be happening on Sakura TV.” He explained while walking to a remote to turn on the t.v. we had. When the screen came on, it read channel #48 at 5:54 p.m. I listened as one of 3 people on screen spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2014 ⏰

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