::Playing A Shinigami's Game:: (L Lawliet Love Story) Chapter 2.

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A/N: This chapter is really short just because it's mainly about the news broadcast and I didn't feel like trying to create a realistic scenerio to what Anarchy and L would be doing and how and everything. So here's the next part, I hope you enjoy it!


~Anarchy’s P.O.V.~

“Air it!” I screamed out to the microphone that was wired to the news station I had carefully selected. During our trip to Japan, we had already had numerous hotel rooms booked for different times, and I had begun to take the necessary measures to assure my plan of success. And with my command, my orders were being followed.

“We’d...like to apologize for the interruption. As of now, we’re bringing you a live, world-wide broadcast inter-polled by our I.C.P.O.” A man announced while shuffling through various papers. “We now take you live to the I.C.P.O.”

“I head up an International Police Task Force which includes all member nations. I am Lind L. Taylor.” A different man introduced, sitting square in front of a camera. “Otherwise known as, L.” He paused for a moment, closing his eyes. “Criminals around the world are being murdered by a serial killer. I consider this crime to be the most atrocious act of murder in history.” I smiled at his performance; it was going entirely well so far.

“I will no rest until the person or persons responsible are brought to justice. Kira, I will hunt you down, I will find you. Kira. I’ve got a pretty good idea of what your motivation might be and I can guess what you hope to achieve, however, what you’re doing right now, is evil.” He said vainly, I couldn’t help but chuckle; whoever Kira is would most likely be pretty angry as his words and will kill Lind at any moment now. I only wait in anticipation until I saw the man clench his chest and fall over onto the desk top. There was then two men escorting his body off of the screen, it’s now my turn. I hit a few buttons which made L’s signature letter take over.

“I-I had to test this just in case but, I never thought it would actually happen. Kira, it seems you can kill people without having to be there in person. I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t just witnessed it. Listen to me, Kira. If you did indeed kill, Lind L. Taylor, the man you just saw die on television, I should tell you that he was an inmate whose execution was scheduled for today. That was not me. The police arrested him in absolute secrecy so you wouldn’t have heard about him on T.V. or through the Internet. It appears that not even you have access to these types of criminals.” I paused for a short moment. “But I assure you, L is real. I do exist. Now, try to kill me!” I challenged Kira directly. I didn’t expect to die so I already had a smile of triumph on my face.

“What’s wrong? Hurry up! C’mon, right now, kill me! C’mon, what’re you waiting for? Give it to me! Try to kill me!” I kept edging him on to the point where I knew nothing would happen. “What’s the matter? Can’t you do it?” I said smugly through the microphone. Of course the voice was put through the usual filter. “Well, Kira. It seems that you can’t kill me after all. So there are some people you can’t kill? You’ve given me a useful hint! Let me return the favor. I’ll tell you something that I think you’ll find interesting. Although this was announced as a world-wide broadcast, the truth is we’re only broadcasting in the Kanto Region in Japan. I had planned to broadcast this message around the world until we found you, but it looks like that won’t be necessary, I now know where you are. The police treated your first killing as an unrelated incident, when in all reality the first of your victims was a suspect in Shinjuku. Of all the criminals that have recently died of heart attacks, this one’s crime was by far the least serious. Furthermore, his crime was only ever reported inside Japan. I used that information to deduce this much. You are in Japan, and your first victim was little more than an experiment, which means, you haven’t been killing for very long. We decided to broadcast in Kanto first because of its large population, and luckily, we found you. To be completely honest with you, I never expected things to go this will but, it won’t be too long now before I am able to sentence you to death.” I stopped, pondering how many people of the Task Force must be impressed by my work. I glanced over at L for a slight moment, I wondered if he was the slightest bit impressed. “Naturally, I’m very interested to learn how you’re able to commit all these murders without being present, but I don’t mind waiting a little bit longer. You can answer all of my questions when I catch you. Let’s meet again soon, Kira.” I finished before disconnecting from the news network.

~L’s P.O.V.~

I simply watched, somewhat amazed as I stood behind her. Once she shut it down, she turned around, only to look up at me. Was she expecting an answer? Praise? A reaction? Whatever it was, I couldn’t figure it out. She always had a puzzle that I could not solve, and it always beckoned me. I decided to go with something between praise and a reaction as to what to say to her.

“That went quite well, Anarchy. You handled the role beautifully.” I didn’t know exactly how to word it, but that’s what escaped my mouth. “I’m proud of you; you’ve narrowed down on Kira’s location. Well done.” I told her, a slight smile overcoming my lips. She returned it with a goofy one of her own before her attention was directed to the doorway that led to the kitchen. I looked over to see Watari wheeling a tray of a vast, delicacy of sweets. I looked back down to see Anarchy looking up at me questioningly. It took me a moment before I realized the mental message she was asking. I sighed teasingly as I held a hand out to her.

“Yes, I’ll share it with you.” I granted her request as she hopped up excitedly. She took my hand and I pulled her up with ease from practice of doing it many times before.

“Thank you, L-kun!” She said that name she’d only use at certain times. I was recalling the previous times before I realized that she had begun pulling me over to the couch to devour the sweets. Although, we had work to do, taking a break sometimes was necessary. I thought as I remembered her saying those words before digging into the sugary coma of food along with her.

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