::Playing A Shinigami's Game:: (L Lawliet Love Story) Chapter 1.

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~Narrator's P.O.V.~

A sweet, sugary scent lingered in the room. However, in contrast to the peaceful trail that danced in the air, various noises were heard erupting from a single television set. There were grotesque noises from grenades and ammunition being fired to body parts and wounds being ripped open repeatedly. There was also the incessant tapping of buttons on the controller operating the game. But behind the controller were tiny hands that belonged to a girl, who appeared to be in her early twenties at most. She sat cross-legged on a desolate floor, her eyes intensely glaring at the screen. Her appearance wasn't exactly normal. She had pink locks, which resembled cherry blossoms, flowing to just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes were a deep crimson that complemented her hair nicely. Fairly pale skin was wrapped all around her body, it was also nearly matched with the skin of the male who unusually sat on the couch behind her. The man was sitting in a crouched position that was all too infamous for him, his hand resting on his knee with interest as he had a fork in his mouth, getting rid of any left over strawberry shortcake bits that may have strayed behind. His eyes were a dark slate color that had dark cloud bags under his eyes to accent them greater. His hair was also found messily near his eyes which was a jet black hue that had a beautiful shine to it. The two odd looking individuals stayed that way for a few more moments before the rapid, violent noises were put at a halt, the game had been paused. Only the sound of clothing shifting was heard then before a voice had taken its spot.

"I guess we should go see him now eh, L?" The girl spoke out, knowing what he would answer her with.

"Yes, it is about time for a visit." He said in a curious tone as he stood up with ease. The raven haired boy walked over to the T.V. and turned it off with a hand in his pocked before turning to his companion while holding out his other hand in assistance. Not a word was spoken as she grasped his hand as he pulled her to her feet. Silence took their place as they shut the door behind them as they walked out, their footsteps growing softer from the room. That silence seemed to stalk them as they stepped onto and elevator that begun plummeting down to the parking lot. A soft hum was heard as the mechanics of the elevator worked. They stood side-by-side, the girl staring down at the edge of the sliding doors. They both looked up, the halt catching their attention, as the doors slid open. Lines of parked cars were revealed. The man known as L led the way to his car, which had a chauffeur standing beside it. The man nodded towards the two and proceeded to open a back door for them. Walking up to the ajar door, the dark haired male allowed his companion to enter before himself. The older gentlemen closed the door, after assuring they were fully inside, before placing himself in the driers seat. He glanced up in the rear-view mirror before speaking to either of them.

"And where is it that you would like to depart to?" A hard English accent permanently glazing his words. The red eyed girl looked up at him, her eyes seeming threatening purely from their hue.

"Wammy's House, please." She bluntly spoke as she kicked her shoes off her feet quietly. She folded her legs under one another similar to how she was back at the room. The man simply nodded.

"As you wish." He said before pulling out of the car lot and skillfully headed in the direction of their destination.

~F.F. to Wammy's House~

The car came to a stop, in front of black iron gates, causing the passengers to be pulled forward by the force slightly. The driver stepped out of the car after turning the key in the ignition to off. Then he came around and opened the door while stepping out off the way to make a path for the two inside. The male known as L stepped out first. His bare feet clashing with the cold asphalt of the road as the unnamed woman slid her shoes back on with ease. The bare footed man moved to assure that his partner had room to exit the vehicle. The car door was slammed gently once she was up completely on her feet. They both stood side-by-side once again, the structure in front of them seemed to be towering intimidatingly over them. Cold winds begun whipping their hair around before the girl pushed the gates open. She looked back at her friend before walking in, his almost silent footsteps mimicking hers behind her own. Their legs carried themselves up to the grand doors of the place they used to call home. She looked down at the handle before gingerly wrapping her fingers around the icy metal. With little effort, she pushed one large door open. L walked up beside her as the wooden plank finished creaking open on old, yet well kept hinges. The girl, shifting her weight to her left foot, leaned to the side a bit as the boy walked passed her, taking the lead back. The door closing behind them as soft murmurs of children erupted from many rooms of the building. The two made no apparent effort to acknowledge most of the children that now lived there. The girl looked at two younger children that sparked her interest in particular. One was albino looking, pale skin, snow for hair, and a shirt and bottoms mocking his hair. The boy was surrounded by many other kids as he also held a paper in his hands, showing it off it seemed. Her eyes adverting to the other boy who was older than the first. He had blonde, shoulder-length hair with bangs that stopped just above his eyes. He was standing away from the crowd and was also holding a piece of paper. His expression said it all, his eyes were glaring bullets at the white-haired child, his face forming a hated expression. She only had a second to look at them as they continued walking to the main office. Her face remained blank, be she felt sort of apologetic looking at the two boys. Her head faced forward, to the sight of black, messy hair. The children getting louder as the passed certain rooms before growing soft.

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