::Playing A Shinigami's Game:: (L Lawliet Love Story) Chapter 5.

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[A/N: I'm pretty sure my story sucks right now because its really slow in the beginning of the anime. It'll begin to pick up soon within a few chapters! I hope you all like it so far anyway though! ^-^']

~L's P.O.V. ~

I was sitting, only half crouched on one knee this time, in front of my computer. Watari was over at the N.P.A. head quarters building and nothing particularly interesting was going on. I was hoping that something would happen so that we could have another clue to go off of, but nothing so far. I was beginning to review the facts that we already discovered when Anarchy walked in and sat beside me, cross-legged on the floor without shoes. She disconnected the microphone from my device for a moment. I looked over at her, but said nothing, my eyes simply observed her. She begun playing with the cord to the mic as she begun speaking.

"L, I've been thinking about what Kira could be hoping to accomplish with all these murders. Whenever I previously said that I had an idea during that broadcast, I was bluffing a significant amount. But I do have a theory now." She paused, I guess she wanted me to say something, but I did nothing but wait for her to continue. "Since Kira seems to be only killing criminals who have somewhat serious crimes, and those that oppose him publicly, my guess would be that he's trying to rid the world of what he considers to be evil. In other words, who ever supports his decision, and at least those who appear like they support him, are ones who are not targeted. He'll only go after people that object him and make it obvious to him. It's as if..." She hesitated, struggling to find the correct wording, it seemed. "...he's trying to create a new world. One that's free of the curse of those who are evil in his eyes." I figured she'd say something like this. I had come to that sort of conclusion a few days after the broadcast. However, I do test her most of the time to see if she's capable of coming up with the same conclusions as myself. I don't share my theories with her all the time. Sometimes, she even creates ones that I didn't. It just depends on the case with her mind.

"Yes, I came to that conclusion also. But Kira doesn't know what true evil is. He's just going off of who he judges as evil based upon what that person does. His judgment is childish, so to say." I told her, directing my eyes back to the computer screen as a phone was heard ringing on the other end. It was Yagami that answered the phone.

"Yeah? It's me." He stated, waiting for the person to continue as he looked at a paper he held in his right hand. "Another six inmates were found dead last night? All were heart attacks?" They sounded more like statements compared to questions. But it did cause the others working with him to change their focus to what he was talking about. "It's him. What?" His eyes widened a significant amount. A gasp was heard from one of the other men in the room.

"Bizarre behavior before they died? Could you be more specific?" The Chief requested through the electronic. "What do you mean? So they didn't just die from heart attacks?" At that point, we couldn't hear what the other person was telling the Chief, so we had no knowledge yet of what happened. But a few moments later, Watari buzzed in.

"What is it, Watari?" I asked after I moved the mouse to open up the webcam to view his end of things.

"Three more heart attack victims. But the circumstances of their deaths are different than what we've seen thus far." He told me. There were different circumstances? Different how though?

"What do you mean by different?"

"I'm sending you a copy of a letter as well as pictures taken at the scene."

"Okay." I concluded just before a stream of three different windows popped up. I looked at each one of them, trying to find any shred of something useful. I simply began thinking to myself as Anarchy viewed them from over my shoulder. 'It sounds like he was afraid that Kira would find him. It's believable that our victim might have been genuinely afraid and wrote this, but we know Kira can control the time of death. What if he can also determine that actions in the moments leading up to death? In which case...' I stopped my thoughts and begun speaking to the N.P.A.

"Chief." I called out to the room. There was a small 'Huh?' heard from within the room, along with the movement of a chair. He had stood up to listen to me. "We can't release details of these men's deaths to the media. As far as they're concerned, these are just heart attacks. I have reason to believe that Kira was performing some kind of 'test' using these criminals. And if that's the case, we'd only be giving him the results if this information was leaked to the public." I explained to him. These death's were different so they absolutely had to remain confidential.

"Right, I understand." He confirmed to me.

"So now he's experimenting on his victims?" One man said.

"Horrible..." Another trailed off.

"He's playing with people lives, as if all this was just a game." Chief Yagami told them. "It's unforgivable." At which point I zoned them out and begun thinking more in depth at these clues that Kira gave us. Anarchy was intently analyzing the letter of all things, her gaze didn't falter at all during this time. I simply began mentally creating scenarios. 'If Kira is really using criminals as test subjects... What is he trying to achieve?' I thought to myself, trying to make my mind into Kira's for a moment. But that of course was impossible to completely do it. I would never think of committing such atrocious acts of murder upon anyone, criminal or innocent. Although I do remember Anarchy saying how hypocritical some people acted at the I.C.P.O. meeting. One pointed out that some were already facing execution while another said that it didn't matter if they were or not. So if they were already sentenced to execution, it was okay for the police to kill them, but not Kira? It's basically the same thing to a certain extent. 'If Kira was using those criminals to conduct and experiment of some sort, it means he's about to start something. If he makes a move now, there's a good chance the F.B.I. will notice someone acting suspiciously. But, perhaps he has a different goal in mind all together. Could the pentagram and this letter be some kind of message?' I thought to myself only to be interrupted by Anarchy pulling on my sleeve. I looked down at her to see her arm extended, and a finger pointing to the top horizontal line of characters written. I looked over them, only to realize that they spelled out something that could be the beginning of a sentence. Could she read my mind, so to say? Is this what she's been looking for the entire time? Did she think that Kira would try to contact me directly through these seemingly meaningless notes that criminals had written in the moment of death? In which case, this only proves that Kira can control his victims before their deaths. But there must be some extent to which his control ceases. The only problem was figuring out where his control ends upon his victims. I pulled out the microphone before looking down at Anarchy. I needed to know answers to my questions.

"Anarchy." I called out.

"Yes?" She responded, rubbing one of her eyes. She hadn't been getting as much sleep as she needed lately. And she was starting to develop bags underneath her eyes resembling mine.

"Were you looking for a message from Kira in that letter? Did you expect Kira to try and make contact through something like this?" I questioned her, I waited for her response as she quit rubbing her eye and look up at me.

"I figured that Kira would only try to contact you or something as a sort of puzzle since he's challenged you directly before. I didn't know how he'd do it but considering there was nothing in the photo of the pentagram that seemed interesting, or in the one of the man lying on the floor, the letter was the last resort for a way of contacting you directly but also secretly. So yes, I was expecting Kira to try and contact you, and I guess I expected it to be in this letter." She elaborated as she never broke the eye contact. Her face held no emotion; it was one of the few times this happened. Normally she could hide them from most people, but being as deductive as I am, I could still read her face in depth.

"Hm... I suppose that makes sense. I wonder what message he's trying to send with these letters though. At any rate, if there's more letters following this one, then it proves that Kira can control his victims before their deaths-"

"But there must be an extent to which he can. I wonder where his control stops..." She cut me off before standing up and stretching. I simply looked up at her curiously. She left the room without a sound, I watched as she left before directing my attention back to the computer screen as I waited. Her footsteps, muffled slightly by her socks, signaled she returned. I looked back up to see she had brought a tray with coffee on it. It had hers already made along with my black coffee with a jar of sugar cubes beside it. She set it down in front of her, but also somewhat between us. She handed me my cup first and also held up the sugar for me. After I had my coffee right with about 14 cubes in it, she set the delicate jar back down. Then she smiled as she gently grasped her cup and sipped at it. I felt the ends of my mouth being tugged upwards a bit at her kindness before we both went back to the screen before us.

::Playing A Shinigami's Game:: (L Lawliet Love Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin