17: camo wearing vampire

Start from the beginning

As Buffy scans the room, not doubt looking for anything potentially dangerous, I take a seat on one of the couches, crossing my right leg over my left. I know she's going to leave us in the room to watch over her date while she takes care of busy. Normally I'm in the mood for some action alongside the slayer, but tonight all I want is to do the minimum as possible.

The slayer tells Owen she's going to bathroom, and instructs the three of us to barricade the door before she walks out. Xander and Willow get to work, dragging two chairs to block the door.

Xander turns to shoot me an annoyed glance. "Would you mind getting up and actually doing something?"

I return his look with one of my own before he pulls the cushion behind my back up, and my body falls backward to the hard back of the couch. "Fine!" I huff, getting up, and throwing a few cushions on top of the chairs, mocking what Willow and Xander are doing.

"Oh my," I hear Owen behind me.

We all turn and see what has captured his attention. In front of us is a died body, covered with a white sheet with the left arm pocking out of the side. Willow and I have catching expression of distaste on our faces. Just has Own is asking if a dead body moves, we see the left arm twitch and move up. Willow steps forward next to Owen as Xander and I are behind our red headed friend.

The arm raises and pulls the white sheet off of its face. The body sits up, and the man turn his head to reveal his contorted face with yellow eyes—a vampire. The think glass between the room the vampire is in and the one we're in isn't going to hold. The vampire lifts himself off the bed, clenches his fists at his sides,

"I've been judged," he says, his mouth turning up in a smirk.

"What's going on?" Owen asks.

A second later, the vampire steps up to the glass window and brings his face against the glass. The window breaks and falls to the ground—I knew it wasn't going to hold up against a vampire.

I curse, turning as the vampire starts to claim, 'he has risen in'. Grabbing the cushions, I start throwing them away as the three soon join me in unblocking the door. We mange to clear the doorway. Willow and I slip out first, followed by Xander and Owen. The four of us start running down the hallway Buffy took us down earlier, still hearing the vampire rambling on about sucking us dry.

As we turn a corner, we run into Buffy, telling her where the vampire rocking camo pants is. The slayer motions for us to get out. We spilt up once more—Buffy going to the vampire and us four going for the exit.

I round the corner to the exit first, only to stop and gasp. My arm catches Willow before she can reach the vampires standing there. Willow screams as the doors close, the vampires locking us inside. We decide to take another hallway to see it as a dead end. Cursing, I run my fingers through my hair. So much for doing the minimal tonight.

We hear a commotion and then Giles call out Buffy's name. Owen starts jogging in that direction, "We have to help Buffy."

"Owen!" Willow yells after me.

"Mother f--," I sigh, starting to job after the boy.

The three of us reach the room where we hear Buffy's grunts. From the doorway, we see Buffy fighting of the camo wearing vampires as Own is lying on the ground. He starts to raise his head, holding the back of his head.

"You killed my date!" the blond slayer exclaims before kicking the vampire in the middle of his torso.

"Buffy," I start to say, but Xander holds up a hand for me to stop talking.

Cigarette Daydreams ♱ Angel {1}Where stories live. Discover now