☆15☆ You'll Always Be In My Heart

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~Aaron's POV~

"Your choices are; You can either choose to die, or live." The lady says,

"Live! I choose to live!"

"Very well then, but remember having a second chance at life does come at a cost."

"I..." I sigh, "I'll do anything,"

"Very well then,"

One by one, everything disappears and changes. Once again I see another bright light. Should I go in or...? Actually screw it. Into the light! I walked inside the light, every part of me was felt like a billion needles were stabbed in me, but I felt someone or something leaning on the right side of me.

~Aphmau's POV~

"Miss Aphmau, we are very sorry for your loss," One of the nurses say to me, "we can understand how you feel. But... You'll just need to learn to let him go."

"LET HIM GO?!" I scream, "how can I let the love of me life go?"


"Can I just be alone?"

The nurse nods and leaves me alone with Aaron. Who is now lifeless, I can no longer see his midnight black eyes, his caring smile and... His ab– hugs. But, it he truly gone...? It's hard to believe. Impossible, he surely can't be dead! Right..?

I lay my head down on his right arm, I was about to drift off to sleep when I feel Aaron stir. I must be imagining things. Again, I try to drift off to sleep but I feel a hand stroking my hair, I look up at Aaron. His black eyes locking with mine. I could hardly contain myself, so I gave him a huge bear hug.

"We made a promise. Remember? I won't break," Aaron said in a quiet voice,

"I thought you died on me!"

"Now, why would I do that if I have kept a promise? Eh?"

"Because your you,"


"You have a habit of breaking stuff,"

"Hey! I've only broke a few Windows... And doors..."


Aaron I look into each other's eyes again. Aaron sits up and cups my chin with his hand, his face coming closer to mine. That's when I felt it, his soft lips on mine. He kissed me! I was shocked at first but melted into the kiss. A few seconds later we broke apart for air.

"Aphmau, I love and always will,"

"Aaron... I love you two!"

This day was going downhill at first but hearing those words, having Aaron alive! The day turned upside down! I loved Aaron since highschool, but I never thought that he'd have the same feelings for me. But I was wrong, Aaron does love me and I love him. You'll always be in my heart.

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