
"I said get off of him, dammit!"

Rin stood there in the hands of the guards, trying to break lose and get to Ling. "You're hurting him; stop it! He doesn't deserve what you're doing to him."

Ling's shaking body tried to reach out for Rin, only for Russell to stomp on his injured shoulder. The teen let out a strangled yelp, gasping for air as the pain overwhelmed him.

"Kill him!" Russell said to the guards. Yukio started banging on the glass, trying to unlock the door quick enough to save his brother. "NO! NO, ANYTHING BUT THAT! I'll do whatever you want, just please DON'T HURT HIM!" He cried as he scrambled to get the locks to turn.

Gunshots rang out from outside---a lot of them. The door bursted open and men came in with guns blazing, shooting everyone who they considered an opposition. One of them was someone who Rin recognized very well.


The green-haired man had a shit-eating grin on his face as shot both of the guards at Rin's side. "Hi Rin! Shima invited me out to play! So much fun!" He greeted, practically bouncing up and down with the automatic gun in his hand.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Shima came in wearing a black suit, gun in hand with his brother, Kinzo at his side along with a bald man who Rin didn't recognize. Bon came in behind them, eyeing the bodies on the floor in horror...

He was hoping that none of them were Rin.

When he finally laid eyes on him, a sigh of relief left him.

"Idiot." he said, smiling at his husband. Rin smiled back, but was instantly brought back to reality at the sound of a gun cocking.

Russell held the gun at Rin, the look in his eyes resembling that of a trapped rabbit. He was afraid, and fear often killed people.

"It's over, Gray. There are six of us and one of you. Put the gun down."

It was Shima. He didn't seem amused in the slightest. He cut his eyes over at the security room, watching as Yukio sobbed with his face and hands against the glass. Sobbing with gratitude that Shima had come when he did.

"Yukio. Don't think I won't have a word with you about this."

Yukio nodded, still sobbing as Shiemi and Izumo came to his side.

Then Shima smiled.

"I told you before that if you ever bothered my Yukio again, I would end you...didn't I?" he said, addressing Russell again. Russell's hand was shaking. He was so terrified that he hadn't even noticed Ling drag himself from underneath him.

"You're the devil, Renzo Shima."

He pulled the trigger and Yukio screamed.

Kinzo moved quicker, however, and pushed Rin towards the floor where he landed on Ling. The bullet lodged itself into the faux blonde's chest and Shima opened fire on Russell, shooting him in the head. When the blonde was down, Shima stood over him and pulled the trigger until the clip was empty.

He threw the gun down and pulled another from his waist, unloading it as well.

"Fucking right I am." he said, spitting on what would have been Russell's face. He looked over at Wamu and the others, who were terrified to move. Rin hovered over Kinzo, crying a little.

"No...no, no, no! Don't you fucking die, you whore!"

He ripped Kinzo's shirt open sighing in relief as the blonde began to cough.

A bulletproof vest. Thank God.

The blonde looked up at Rin, smirking at him.

"You were worried about me."

Rin punched him in the chest.

"Of course I was, moron!"


Shima looked up at the security, glaring at bit.

"Get your ass down here. Now." he said, just loud enough for Yukio to hear. The brunette limped for the door, making his way down as quickly as possible without tripping down the stairs.

He ran into Shima's arms despite the oncoming punishment he was sure to receive. He expected to be smacked, but Shima wrapped his arms around him tightly.

"If you ever in your fucking life scare me like that again---"

"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I just wanted to help them, I'm sorry!" Yukio sobbed. Shima looked up to see Izumo helping Shiemi down the stairs. He was glad to see that they were okay.


Rin pulled Ling into his lap. The teen was floating in and out of consciousness. The pain was almost too much to bare.

"Ling? Can you hear me, baby?"

Ling gave a slight nod of his head, squeezing Rin's hands.

"Oh, thank God. We're gonna get you some help, okay? Just hang on, kiddo."

Bon had already brought the car around, ready to help Ling inside to get him to a hospital.

"Call Koneko. We don't need the police budding in on this and we need to go. I got a tip from an old friend that Gray's a wanted criminal. The cops are about to pull up any minute."

Bon raised a brow, lifting Ling up as best he could. Goddamn, he was a heavy motherfucker.

"Why Konekomaru?"

"What, you didn't know? He's been handling the Yakuza's medical needs since he graduated."


Shima left Rin and Bon to deal with that Ling kid, leaving Shiemi and Izumo to get checked out at Koneko's as well. He put Yukio in the Benz and assured Rin that he would take care of him.

Wamu drove with Kinzo sitting in the passenger's seat, leaving Shima and Yukio in the backseat. Shima let up the partition, turning to looking at his fiance.

"What did he do?" he asked, his voice tired. Yukio didn't respond at first and it was really trying Shima's patience.

"What, you can't fucking speak now?"

His jaw tightened at the bruises around Yukio's throat and he instantly regretted asking. "Nevermind. If it hurts then don't talk."

"...I'm sorry, Ren." Yukio's raspy voice said again.

"Stop, I said don't talk. Stop fucking apologizing."

Yukio exhaled, letting out a loud sob before quieting himself. He should have expected for him to be upset.

"You're lucky James called me."

James? How did...

"He's a double spy for the Yakuza. How do you think I found you after I got out of jail?"

Wow. That made sense.

"Just remember that you should always trust me, okay? Trust me to be your man; trust me to be your sword and shield. Trust me to have your back. Baby, you don't have to do everything alone. Okay? I need you to be on my team. Can we be a team?"

Yukio tried to talk, but it hurt too much so he just nodded. He leaned into the hug, allowing Renzo to kiss his forehead.

Thank God it was all over.

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