Avocadoes At Law

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"Do you know how many punching bags we go through when Steve's here?" Harry asked with a shake of his head. "And, to answer your question, there are a couple of interesting things up there. One of which has the computer program that I'm hoping you could help me out with."

"Really?" Skye asked, sounding incredibly interested. "Well, lead the way my young Padawan and let me teach you the ways of the mystical computer."


"Morse told us that you were supposed to be our 'handler'," Tony commented.

"How is Bobbi?" Phil asked in response.

Tony shrugged. "She's not around all that much. Only when Fury wants something really."

"You can bet that she knows where she can find you all at any given moment," Phil replied. "And she'll be there if you need something. All good handlers are the same, there's no need to hover unless their charge is 'playing up'."

"Well, if she knows where we all are, that's one better than us," Tony stated dryly. "Birdbrain has developed this annoying habit of dropping of the grid every so often."

"No one knows where your brain is at half the time anyway," Pepper said from across the room where she was talking to the females in residence.

"Harsh but accurate," Tony replied offhandedly. "Well, come on then, Agent. You might as well see what we've done with the place since you were last here. You two coming?"

The four men, Tony, Phil, Bruce and Thor rose from their seats and headed towards the elevator.

"I've put in a whole host of floors fitted out with the best of science equipment," Tony said, indicating the levels for Candy Land.

"There's some equipment in there that I'd only ever dreamed of seeing," Bruce added.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. can keep its grubby little paws off," Tony stated, waggling a finger at Phil. "I've installed a closed server down there that only Jarvis can access from outside."

"It's not S.H.I.E.L.D. that doesn't know how to keep their nose out of other people's business," Phil replied pointedly.

"Hey, I'm a consultant," Tony protested. "I see it as part of my duty to test out your security and consult on ways that you could improve."

"You give S.H.I.E.L.D. such advice?" Thor asked.

"Well, no. But that's only because they never ask," Tony replied hurriedly.

The doors quietly whooshed open in front of them.

"I thought that you might get a kick out of seeing this level," Tony said, "see what you miss out on now that New Agent is our 'handler' instead of you."

The corridor that they'd stepped out into had only four doors in it – two close by and a further two half-way down the corridor.

"You will quite enjoy this, Son of Coul," Thor said enthusiastically. "These rooms are some of my favourites in Stark's Tower."

"Avenger's Tower, remember?" Bruce corrected. "No need to keep giving Tony a big head."

"Of course, forgive me," Thor replied. "Avengers Tower."

The door closest to them on the right opened just then, cutting off any other conversation.

"Oh, hey AC," Skye said.

"Hello, and what were you two up to?" Tony smirked.

"I was showing Skye the quinjet flight simulator," Harry stated.

Heroes Assemble!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora