Chapter 26

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Jake's Pov

J: Logan I don't want you coming to my wedding anymore

L: what

E: Jake

J: no, okay he just caused this you couldn't breathe and he doesn't even support it why would I want him there just to kill the mood?

E: but jake-

She was cut off by Tessa

T: Erika you are way to forgiving it okay that you forgave Jake because you guys are in love and he won't do anything again

Tessa glares at me

T: and Logan is just going to be there and I know you, you want to forgive him but in the back of your mind you know that Logan didn't want this to happen and it's going to stress you out and we all know what happens after that.

E: true and I can't handle that I just almost died and I would like to get married before I die

L: well um...whos going to be your best man

J&E: easy Chance

L: Erika you don't have a dad to walk you down the aisle

Tessa glares at Logan faster than I got the chance to process what he said

T: what the fuck did you just say

Tessa's Pov
I've known Erika longer than all of these people and I'm already pissed for him stressing her out and now he says something about her parents. I look at Erika and as soon as he said dad tears were streaming down her face.

L: whoah that came out wrong

Every word I say I walk one step closer to Logan

T: listen Logan I don't care if they forgive you at the last second and say you can come to the wedding if i see you there you will be done you may be big and strong and scary to everyone else but I'm different and I will kick your ass.

Erika's Pov
I've never seen this side of Tessa she was bad ass

T: no one ever talks to Erika like that we only mention parents to Erika if she starts the conversation about them. Understood

L: alright I'm sorry

I stood up ready to stand up to Logan

E: and Tristan will walk me down the aisle I don't need you too I may be the person who forgives to easily but I will not let you ruin the best day of my life now leave.

*Logan left*

Jake looked at me with lust in his eyes.

Jake's Pov
This side of Erika made me want her so bad I need to call her doctor right now.

J: I'll be right back Erika you guys just sit here and talk I have to make a phone call.


*on the phone*

Doc: hello

J: hey this is Jake Paul my girlfriend is the girl you diagnosed with stage 2 brain cancer

Doc: oh yes what do you need

J: okay you said we couldn't have any intercourse for awhile and I wanted to know if we could now because I'm not gonna lie man I want her like right now.

Doc: *laughs* okay Jake has she had the cold sweats

J: yes

Doc: okay also has she been stressed out

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