Chapter 1

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The coffee shop was a quiet, peaceful place. Could get lost in a good book and sit here for hours. Or look out the window and have a beautiful view of London.

The spring weather was nice today. No rain and not a cloud in the sky. The sun was shinning and gave London a break from the two weeks of non-stop rain. I don't mind the rain, but I am glad for a break.

I've been at the coffee house for about two hours reading my book. I turned a page and looked out the window. More people were out today. Guess everyone is enjoying the break from the rain.

"Hey baby. Told you she was here Kev."

The boy sat and kissed my cheek then but his arm around my shoulders. Kevin sat across from me rolling his eyes and drank the rest of my hot chocolate.

"Hey, Luke." I said closing my book and put it aside.

"You left to get a drink. You've been gone for almost three hours." Kevin said

"It's only been two." I said trying to get my cup back.

"No. You left at noon and its almost three." Luke said and laughed.

"Shut up. Why did you drink my hot chocolate." I said frowning as Kevin lowered the cup from his mouth.

He shrugged his shoulders and sat the cup back down in front of me. Then he and Luke began to bicker. I looked around the shop and noticed that more people had come in.

The bell on the door dinged and two boys walked in. They were dressed in all black. Black shoes, pants, shirts, and jackets with the hoods up to cover their faces. I turned around because Luke pulled me against himself. The hooded boys walked passed our table. The one in front looked at me as he passed.

He was wearing black sun glasses and had blond hair that covered his forehead. They stopped two tables down from ours and the blond continued to look at me.

I became uncomfortable and moved closer to Luke He noticed and looked down at me smiling. He leaned away and I sighed. He gets embarrassed in public if I leaned to close to him. He does not like people staring at us.

"You ok."

"Yeah can we go?" I asked and kissed his cheek.

"Sure." He said ducking his head as he got up from the table.

I dropped some money on the table for my drink and we walked passed the shop and the blond boy continued to watch me. What is his problem?

"So, what do you want to do Tessa." Kevin asked.

"Can we go back to the apartment?"

"Why it's a nice day out." Luke said throwing his arms wide.

We stopped at the end of the block and I watched the cars zoom passed as I tried to shake the feeling that I was being watched. The boy at the shop creeped me out. Why was he staring at me? A chill went through me and Luke wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Let's go back to the apartment." He said.


Once back at the apartment the rain began to fall. So, much for the sunny day. Kevin and Luke began to play FIFA on the X-box. I sat at the table and worked on my English paper.

Luke and I came to London to study abroad for college. Me here for English and him for Film studies. Kevin is from London, he became friends with Luke when he studied in America.

Kevin sorta became our tour guide to London, well that's what he calls himself since we never been here before.

A knocking at the door pulled me from my paper. Kevin yelled for me to get it. I figured it was one of his friends that was over all the time, so I didn't bother looking through the peep-hole. They knocked again as I grabbed the knob and pulled it open. The man's hand dropped to his side as my eyes widen.

"Hello. Are you Tessa Jones?" The boy smiled and leaned against the door frame.

It was the blond who stared at me in the coffee shop.

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