"Any reason why you're dressed a bit more...sexy?" I ask her as I see her cheeks turn a soft pink. 

"Just have to prove to others I'm doing well even after the last house party. I've been away from the party scene for awhile so I'm sure I'll surprise a few." She answers as I smirk.

"You'll do more than surprise them with that outfit." My voice husky as I lick my lips. Hana shyly sits beside me as the moonlight shines down on us. The drive peaceful as the two of us listen to the radio. 

- - - -

The rural neighborhood is crammed with cars in every corner as I spot Lucio's car. I drive over to the far end of the neighborhood and park behind his car. 

The two of us unbuckle our belt and exit my car. I walk over to Hana and open her car door. 

"You're lucky it's not cold out. Or else I would've thrown a jacket over you." I tease her as she giggles. She intertwines her fingers with mine as we walk a few houses over to the house that's covered with streamers and balloons. 

As I open the door, the smell of alcohol and pizza wafts our noses.

"Shit. Who poured the alcohol everywhere?" I mumble as Hana scrunches her brows together. A couple making out by the door startles us as we inch our way through the house to find the rest of the group. 

I hear a loud whistle from the pool room as I see the boys lean on the wall with red plastic cups in their hands. 

"Damn Hana. I didn't know you could dress like that." Lucio wiggles his brow as Hana rolls her eyes. 

"Nice to see you too, ass." I say to Lucio as he chuckles.

"Hey, I didn't even see you there." He jokes as I go over to Jesse and Jack giving them fist bumps. 

"Do you two want anything to drink? They literally have anything." Jesse says as he hand movements towards the alcohol case. I raise my brow as I look over.

"They just have a whole glass case full of alcohol? Who's place is this anyway?" 

Jesse shrugs as he takes a sip from his cup. 

"Some freshman that gave me her number in the beginning of the semester." Jesse says nonchalantly as I chuckle at him.

"I should've known that." 

I look at Hana and eye the case. "Did you want a drink now or...?" 

"I don't mind. But something light...I don't want to get wasted." Hana jokes as I chuckle at her. The two of us walk over to the glass case and Hana points at a bottle of wine. 

"This one looks okay." 

I smirk at her as she looks at me. "You only want that one because the bottle is pretty, right?" 

Hana averts my gaze as she blushes. "Shut up." She mutters as I grab the wine bottle and a plastic cup that sits on a side table. 

"What about you?" She asks as she takes the filled cup from me. I glance over at the case and back at the wine bottle. I shrug.

"I'll join you." I pour my cup with wine as Hana smiles at me playfully.

"Classy choice." She says as I smile at her. 

That Girl  || D.va x GenjiWhere stories live. Discover now