Chapter 13: Goodbye Cecile, Hello Monster

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The burial ceremony was beautiful, Tsega and Ysella had made sure of that.

The full moon stood bright and low, and the blowing breeze felt gentle against their skin. Hundreds of candles surrounded the small circle of Valek and his friends as they watched the white wooden coffin sink inside the grave. A big bouquet with ribbons had been laid on top of the casket, upon which Cecile's name had been engraved, along with a pair of crossing swords made of gold and diamonds.

Other than grief, Valek didn't quite know how to feel. It'd been a long time since the world assumed she drowned, and, even though her body had never been recovered, he had long ago said his goodbyes, but now the old wounds had been ripped open and everything about her death felt more brutal and painful than it'd ever had. What haunted him the most was that he didn't know how King Jerrik killed his sister, whether she had suffered for a long time or met a quick end.

That evening, all of them surrounded a tall, round table and looked down at the large map spread beneath them. Little stone figurines were scattered around the map, which Darko and Valek occasionally moved around. Time for retaliation had come, but, as they stared silent and sullen, each of them knew that all odds were against them.

"All of your ideas are solid," Tycho said as he tapped on the map. "But even if we obtain the element of surprise, and manage to attack them unseen at night, we'll still be slaughtered due to the fact that their army is five times the size of ours."

"And that's only a third of their army," Tobben added.

Valek gasped and shot upright. Placing his hands on Tobben's shoulders, he grinned. "That's it!"

Tobben scratched his head. "What is it... what?"

"You're a genius!"

"I... I am?"

Valek rushed over to the other side of the table, forcing Ysella and Tsega to hop aside, and shoved all of the stone figures into a messy heap. "Ah, I knew those strategy videogames would one day be good for something." He slammed his palms on the table and looked up with a smirk. "Tsega, and Ysella, will you two be able to infiltrate King Jerrik's residence?"

Tsega nodded. "Sure, no problem."

By now, they all stared at Valek in confusion, but he barely noticed as he was overwhelmed with excitement. "Good, good. Tell him that my army is massive, so massive that it might just be the size of his entire army, and convince him to send each and every one of his men to Brimstone."

They frowned and exchanged glanced, then Darko spoke up. "No offense, my lord, but we can't even beat a third of their army, why on earth would you make us fight their entire army?"

Valek laughed and shook his head. "There will be no fight." To which more confused frowns appeared. "Tell me, how hard would it be to evacuate Brimstone?"

"What do you mean by... evacuate?" Tycho asked. "Do you mean, draining Brimstone of each and every residence? Taking every person and every animal, out of Brimstone?" When Valek nodded, he laughed. "Let's see. That possibility equals the likeliness of me growing a third nipple within half a second."

Valek grinned. "Good, good. Get it done. You, Tobben, Dr. Fisnik are in charge of evacuating Brimstone. Go on, we don't have all year." As they trotted out of the room in astonishment, he faced Darko. "What is the most inflammable substance we own?"

"Dragon blood," he answered. "Why?"

"Because we'll need it. Hereby I give you the task to gather as much of it as you can."

Darko gave him a nod. "Yes, Lord Valek."

"As for you two, Tsega and Ysella, you already know your job. Infiltrate, convince him to send his entire army over here, and then you may kill him if you please."

The young women exchanged a look, then nodded. "Consider it done," Ysella said.

Just a day ago his spirit had been broken for the first time, yet today he felt more alive than he ever had. A rush of adrenaline and hysteria pumped through his veins, a sensation of confidence and power, and he knew that his entire life had led up to this moment. Disturbing as it were, Valek was more than eager to watch the world burn.

The door creaked open, and Dr. Fisnik appeared in the door opening. For today he had chosen to wear a softer shade of lipstick, a muted pink, and his eyes were dark green instead the usual gold or silver. "If you have a moment, my lord."

"Of course." Valek motioned his hand. "Come in."

"They have told me how they have no idea what you're up to. But, after they told me what their tasks were, I put two and two together and figured it out." Dr. Fisnik straightened his posture and placed his hands on his back, and looked at Valek with the most disappointing frown. "Tell me, my sweet lord, is it truly justice for freedom and peace that you're after, or has it turned into a need for revenge controlled by blind rage?"

Valek placed his own hands on his back, mimicking him, and went to stand across from him. "Oh, my sweet doctor, in truth there really is no difference. You see, justice is no more than the polished daughter of revenge. In the end, they are one and all the same thing."

The doctor tilted his head and watched the teen from the corner of his eye. "Your father, too, acted on blind rage rather than honor and reason. It didn't end well."

"Don't speak to me of my father." He turned around and stormed to the other end of the room, where he slumped against the wall. "This is war, Dr. Fisnik, and war is simply not won with kisses and honor. There is no reason in war. There is no honor in slaughtering one another. All that matters is protecting your own realm from the attacking realm. Crush, or be crushed." He shrugged. "And, I don't know about you, doctor, but I prefer to crush over getting crushed."

"There is only so much I can say to you, in the end you will make the choices. But, please remember what I told you." The doctor turned around and laid his hand on the door handle. "You're an honorable, kind young man, Valek, please don't let yourself be consumed by rage and vengeance." And, with that, he disappeared through the door.

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