“I can’t take all the credit. You raised him too.”

Karla smiles in response.

“So any changes in your relationship with your friend?” Seth asks.

“No, we’ve just been hanging out.”

“Okay, if you say so.”

“I am, so how did your parents take to Nate? Sorry, I haven’t been able to properly talk to you until today.”

“It’s fine. I know how busy you are and the slight time difference affects when we can talk.”

“True, but first tell me how you told them and their reactions.”

“Well you can yell at Nate for almost giving me a heart attack.”

“Really? I will.”

“We were talking about Danny and he asked if they would care if Danny turned out gay. It went from there. At first I thought Emilio is homophobic by his reaction and Nate was getting angry not letting him speak, but he just said he wouldn’t want anyone close to have to deal with all the homophobic people in the world.”

“There he loves you. How was your mother’s reaction?”

Chuckling Seth responds, “she was all excited with the possibility that Danny might be, so that helped during those few minutes of Nate not letting Emilio speak. I knew I had at least her support.”

“Hmm, I wonder if at the moment it crossed her mind that you are.” Karla says with a grin.

“I don’t know. I didn’t ask her.”

“I’m glad you knew her position from the onset.”

“Yes, me too.”

“So how did they find out?”

“Emilio made the conclusion after I told them I am gay.”

Karla is grinning, “so you did tell them then. How do they like Nate?”

“They like him even more now and it helps that he is sports inclined, since Emilio enjoys sports. You know I can only handle so much.”

“Yes, you can. That’s great then! I’m happy that everything is going well with your parents. Do you think one day you will call them mother and father?”

“Did you talk to Nate? He asked me the same thing? I don’t know. It’s a possibility as I start feeling more comfortable with them.”

“I think it won’t take long for you to call them mom and dad. You’re kind and you don’t hold back once you are comfortable. And you just revealed your sexuality, what you were most worried about. You opened up to them and they accept you.”

“You’re right. In my head, I sometimes find myself already calling them mom and dad.”

“Yes and your relationship with Nate is flourishing too. Are you planning another weekend with him?” Karla winks earning a hint of a blush from Seth.

“No and I’ve never planned them. It has been Nate!”

“Yes, I know. It’s just fun seeing how easily you get flustered.”

“Yeah, you would.”

“So has he been spending the nights with you.” Karla continues.

“No of course not. He has to go home.”

“But you want him to spend the nights.”

“No, I can’t with Danny here.”

“Please, he sleeps and has a bedtime. And I’m just talking about ya’ll sleeping together.”

“I need a stable home for Danny.”

“He loves Nate and I don’t think he would mind if Nate stayed to sleep. You know he’s more mature than most six year olds.”

“I know.” Seth smiles.


“Hmm, I already asked him he would mind if Nate were to spend the night.”

Karla asks with a smile. He was holding out on me. Things are getting more serious. “What did he say?”

“He said he would like to spend more time with both of us. Also that I smile more.”

“He is saying the truth, you do smile more not that you didn’t before. So when are you going to tell him you love him?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to say it to him and him not say it back.”

“You know he will. All the evidence is there. He went with you to meet your parents, helped you tell them about your sexuality, and spends time with Danny and you.”

“Yes, I know--”

“And before you say anything else. Don’t think about it or force it. You will say it naturally when you’re ready to say out loud.”

“You always know what to say.”

“Of course I know my best friend.”

“Yes, scary how sometimes you seem to know more than me.”

“It is my job or you wouldn’t be with Nate. You should be thanking me.”

“No, you will have to wait for that.”
“You will thank me soon enough and sadly I should say goodnight. It’s pretty late for you. You have a long day tomorrow?”

“Yes, see you soon then.”

“Goodnight and lots of dreams with Nate.” Karla winks and signs off before Seth can reply.

Shaking his head Seth shuts down his computer. He turns off the lights and goes to his bedroom. Laying in bed, he drifts off to sleep with thoughts of Nate.


Thanks for reading.

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