The forgotten angel

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Several weeks had passed and Tom hated everything. Tom couldn't take much more of this, Tord's been getting more aggressive and sadistic but at least Tom could go on missions now. When Tom got hurt tord would fix it with surgery usually replacing it for example; Tom got shot in the arm so tord would remove the bullet then stitch in up. "Tom, all you have to do is kill the target. Don't fail me, you'll regret it." Tord's icy voice hissed as he stared at the young boy before developing an evil smirk and saying "Oh! I almost forgot ! Tom I need to show you something you might remember~" Tom flinched at this remark. Tord walked him over to a door and pushed him in. The room was pitch black except for a light over an examination table angled up, with a ginger strapped to it...

"Matt !" Tom yelled as he jumped forward to help him but Tord wrapped his arms around Tom's shoulders and held him then yelled "Ha! So you do remember him ? Well it's your fault actually because I caught him trying to break you out of here. Pathetic!" Tord laughed as Matt looked up. He's been conscious the whole time. "Tom, I need a favor. Take this and 'improve' him." Tord hissed as he handed him a gun. 'Improve' is the word they used to say tear apart because he 'improved' Tom as well. Just hearing that made him jump "N-no, please." Tom struggled "Ah uh, Tom you better listen to your orders after all you still need to complete your mission as well." Tord purred flrowing Tom down and pouring the gun at Matt "NOOO!" Tom screamed out earning myself a large electric shock 

Tom held his neck in pain and screamed making Matt scared as he watched Tom "Do it or else." Tord commanded him in his 'you will die if you don't listen' face before kicking Tom. Tom stood up on shaky knees and approached Matt "... I'm sorry...." he told Matt before loading the gun and turned big it into himself "Tom don't do it !" Matt yelled "I'll be fine ! Tord needs me he won't kill me !" Matt screamed trying to reassure Tom "Tom, with all you've been through I bet you wish a mere bullet could kill you." Tord smirked as he pushed the button that took control of Tom by making him feel as if his brain is melting if he doesn't listen. Tom turned to Matt and pointed the gun to him but he to hold his head in pain. Tom tried to turn to tord but the button's effects caused him to fall to the floor and scream

Tom picked himself up and pointed the gun at Matt and pulled the trigger while crying. The bullet shot through Matt's eye. Tord presses a gun to Tom's back and pulled the trigger causing Tom to fall to the ground. He awoke hours later "Complete your mission Tom." Tord's cold voice hissed. Tom got himself ready  but couldn't help but regret shooting a friend. Soon the door opened and Tord walked and Tom feared for his life as Tord looked as if he wanted to kill Tom.

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