Mission 1: capture?

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"Get up Tom we have a mission." Tord said banging against the door to realize that Tom was in the corner of the cell ready to go. They locked Tom in a large cage and put him on a plane where Patryk flew them to fight the yellow army. The yellow army looked at Tord to see what trick he had up his sleeve this time, to his shock they opened the doors to unleash this beast "What- what is that THING ?!" The leader of the yellow army shouted then tom growled going full beast and Tord turned to him with a stopping motion and said "Well this is Tom my pet now Tom go have some fun~"  Tord pointed at the army and smirked then sailed "I know your pretty hungry ask eat as much as you like! Now KILL~" Tord pointed at the army patting Tom and as he ran to the yellow army fighting his heart out and eating the people in his path he had to admit he was having a little bit of fun. The red army was behind him ready to shoot the yellow army or even tom if he got to out of control bit that really didn't have to do much. The yellow army was almost gone when it happened Tord gave call "Niw, everybody CHARGE !" And the entire army began marching out to the battle field shooting at every last member of the yellow army. The yellow army soon became smaller and weaker and then the began to retreat and the red army stood watch, Tom then turned back into his half state to relax after the grusom battle but suddenly once he changed back one of the yellow soldiers shot Tom and then a group of them began to sieze  him he but the red army didn't see him because they had turned their backs "Why you little son of a b-!" Tom was about to scream but they quickly gagged him and tied him down, but Tord had turned quickly enough to see tom get taken "Tom !" Tord screamed as he threw a small explosive at the ground. He ship took Tom and drove away 

"Now we have you, and we need some answers and your going to tell us them ok ? But who knows you might even join our army." The leader named Jake told Tom as they brought him down to a room and tied his arms to some chains that pulled his arms out and forced him on his knees and they removed his shirt to reveal his pale bruised back. "Now, where is the red army base hidden ?" Jake asked looking at Toms back "Screw you !" Tom yelled back at him "Oh well I wish you didn't act this way  it you do so now I will punish you until you tell me." Jake then grabbed a dull  hatchet and  eat his back twice before asking again "Now where is the army base hidden? You rat " Tom did not answer he Jake hit him again but 3 times as tom groaned he asked it again. "I-I'll never t-tell you !" Tom said barely able to then he thought 'I actually don't even who myself where it's located'.Several hours went by until Jake lashed out in anger "You stubborn Monster ! Why won't you just tell me the answer you pathetic price of trash !!" Tom chuckled slightly as he heard this remark 'wow he is really getting mad.' Despite his humor he was in pain although this was not as big as the pain Tord had put him through. Suddenly a loud crash was heard as a car broke threw the side of the lab and in it was Paul, Patryk and Tord who jumped out and began shooting the guards while Paul untied Tom and Patryk was getting medicine . In no time he held a gun to Jake's head and asked him "I'll give you one question before I kill you." Tord said smirking as he saw the mans confused look "Ok then How the heck did you get that little MONSTER to listen to you because for me no matter how much I beat him he doesn't listen ?!" Jake yelled angrily at tTom "Well it took weeks of worse punishments than this to barely make him listen to me and trust me it was hard." Tord replied shortly after pulling the trigger and hearing a gun shot go off. "So are ya hurt ?" Tord asked Tom as they walked back "Screw you !" Tom replied "Guess not Tom.". They got back to the plane when Tord grabbed tom and hit him into the side of the metal door almost knocking him out but then Tom jumped up and began running "Get him~" Tord replied as an army of men ran after him and shot tranquilizers at him, in the end he had about 23 on him when they brought him to the ship. 

This chapters shorter but I really need suggestions 

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