Lessons & purification

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"Now tom I'm going to give you a physical so you can be in shape to kill worthless traitors like Edd." This comment made Toms blood boil as he felt Tord puck him up and bring him to the next room "YOU SHUT THE F-" tom was cut off by tords boot hitting him in the face knocking him over and leaving a print but Tord laughed and said "Serves you right respect me you eyeless idiot !" tom mumbled something "What was that ?" Tord asked getting angry "I said you are almost eyeless and Blind !" Tord kicked him in the ribs grabbed him by the hair and said "Well how about I cut of one of your stupid arms and leave you here to bleed ?!" He then grabbed his head and slammed it into the wall causing blood to flow then he dropped him and said "By tomorrow you WILL treat me with respect like you did earlier!". Tord began the exam "I-I'm... s-sorry." Tom said scared then Tord stood him up and began examining him so tom closed his 'eyes' "Thomas open your eyes." Tord said calmly so tom opened them "Good boy~" Tord said mockingly causing tom to head butt him and knock him down Tord stood up grabbed a harpoon that was toms and choked him with it "I-I'm s-s-sorry S-sir." Tom said through the gasps then Tord stopped tom thought about kicking him in the leg but he didn't want to get a boot to the face again "L-let g-g-go" tom said then Tord kicked him in the face yet again and said "Don't talk without permission and Don't order me around !" Tom was really regretting his life and Tord was enjoying his "Now I need you to remove your shirt." Tord ordered as he helped tom up "Now." Tord ordered again tom obeyed out of fear of the large alpha it was clear he was a beta. Tord smiled as he saw that his name was still carved into Toms back and tom cringed as Tord petted him on the head and lead him out of the room for some training and 'lessons' then he took a sharp turn to a different room

Tord explained that in order to work here he first needed to be purified. He lead tom to a table and strapped him down. Then began pressing a bottom that sent large amounts of electricity through his body tom began to scream and shout in pain then Tord thought 'he trusts me I can use this idiot but I need him to listen and I think he will maybe he can be a great soldier' Tord stopped pressing the button unstrapped him and walked over to him wrapping his arms around the crying boy and Tord places his head onto toms messing up his hair "Shhh~ I'm here now you're okay I'll protect you~" Tord cooed and to his surprise tom calmed down 'Tord was never like this before, but he is still the same."' Tom thought. Tom was taken to a large glass tube with pipes leading into it "After this it'll be done" Tord said calmly to not scare Tom 'he's like a child' Tord smiled as he lock Tom in and had wires on his brain.The chamber began filling with a red gas "W-what's going on ?!" Tom screamed as memories flew through his mind and into the computer showing his intelligence levels. The gas stopped and the tank was filling with a purple liquid and Tom sank to the bottom and turned into his monster form.Hours passed and he remember the time Paul and Patryk kidnapped him.' It was late at night and tom was walking the streets with them behind him but soon became nervous and turned to them and they tied him gagged him and threw him in the back of a car' then the liquid drained and a violet gas filled the chamber knocking Tom out but when he hit the ground he tried to lift his head off of the cold cement  "Wow, he's not that bad but now let's go get him to his room" Tord said smiling at the boy laying on the ground. 'I can't just send him to them but I need them.. maybe if I go with them because they don't know him so they won't feel anything for him' Tord thought as he looked at the monster before him then he made up his mind

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