"Okay, Liam and Kali are working at the water slide; Zayn is watching the slip 'n slide; Paris and Mitch? Can I trust you two to watch the bubble station and the water gun pools?"

"Aye yi captain!" Mitch and Paris both saluted Alice as she gave the group assignments. Alice rolled her eyes.

"Make sure they don't mix the water! We don't need soap being shot through water guns because if it gets into someone's eyes, it will hurt" Alice furthered her instructions.

"Got it!" Paris gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, um" Alice looked down at her clipboard. "Harry? Ariel? You guys are in charge of the parachute. I don't care what games you play with it just please make sure you're actually playing with the kids" she begged.

"Got it" Ariel agreed. "Play with kids, not each other." Louis, Mitch, and Harry sniggered. Everyone glared at them. "Ya'll aren't funny!" Ariel scolded.

"Jackie and Niall?" Alice called out. The two looked at her. She looked back at her clipboard and sighed. "I'm going to regret this, but you're on snowcone duty."

"Yum! Food!" Niall cheered.

Alice inhaled sharply. "Jake? You're going to be in charge of making sure everywhere has enough water. I'm letting you use a hose, please don't abuse your privelige." Jake grinned as she handed him a garden hose. "And finally, Louis? You're throwing water baloons. Please be careful."

Louis grinned. "I accept this mission."

"Alright, go to your stations and get ready" alice commanded. "The kids will be out here any moment." The counselors cheered and ran off to do their jobs.

The day was chaos. Kids ran around everywhere, taking turns at as many stations as possible. Louis chased kids aroudn with water balloons, making several seventh graders mad when he nailed them with his ammunition. They retaliated by filling up their water guns and chasing after him.

The water slide was very busy, although several times Liam had to crawl up to the top with some kid who was too scared to go down by themselves. It was a simple slide with a steep latter and a mini pool at the bottom. Kids would climb to the top and then one at a time would slide down. Jake would occasionally stand at the end and blast sliders with his garden hose, but that was only when he had a moment to spare.

A litle third grade girl tugged on Liam's shorts. He looked down at her. "I'm too scared to go up there. What if I fall?"

Liam sighed and lifted her up onto the latter. "I'm right behind you" he promised her. They slowly made it to the top. Once they got there, she sat down, but didn't move. "Um, sweetie?" Liam asked. "Aren't you going to go?"

The little girl began wailing. "I can't do it! It's too high! I can't do it! I want to go down!"

"The only way down is to slide" Liam told her.

"No!" she screamed. "Noooooo!"

Liam rolled his eyes and picked her up under her arms. She flailed her arms and kicked, but he held her away from his body. "Hold your nose!" he called and pushed her down the slide. She screamed a bloodcurdeling scream as her body bounced down the slide and then landed into the pool at the bottom.

She stood up, realized where she was, and began screaming again. "Great job sweetie" Kali encouraged her. "Now I need you to climb out so other people can slide down. Come here sweetheart" she held ot her arms. The screaming girl reached up for her and Kali pulled her out of the pool.

Meanwhile, with Ariel and Harry, Ariel had successfully gathered a group of kids to play with the parachute. "Okay, when I call your color, run under the parachute and switch places with someone."

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