chapter 31-you have nothing to worry about

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(Hayley's p.o.v)
I woke up to a pounding head,I groaned, this ache is killing me,I need to take pain killers immediately before I get sick.

Ughhh,pain killers...I tossed and turn as I spoke, justinnnnn,I need pain killers,my head ache hurts a lot.

I opened my eyes to Justin staring at me

Hi, can I get pain killers?.


He went to the kitchen and brought back a glass of water with pain killers in his other hand.

I drank it with so much urgency It felt like my life depended on it.
I finished the water from the cup andsaw justin staring at me weird.

Justin would you quit it?.


Your staring,its annoying me honestly,and it's starting to creep me out.

Sorry I didn't know I was.

Well you are Goddamit.

Woah Chill,what's got your pants in a twist?.

Ughhh,shutup,I need to shower and go meet up with Temi.

At the mention of her name,he tensed up..I know ,I myself dread the idea of seeing her.

Justin,dont worry,it's nothing,she just wants to talk.



so I got dressed,left Justin's house and headed for temi's feeling preety shakened up right now...what could she want to talk about?...well what ever it is,am about to find out.

I got up to her door and knocked,after a few minutes she opened up smiling her usual cute smile.

Hey temi

Hey girl,how are you?

Am okay

Silence as she stares at me.

I cleared my throat to bring her back to life.

Uh,yeah,come in,sorry.



So uh,how's Justin?...what a weird question,am not his girlfriend.

Uh,I laughed,he's fine,am just coming from his house ,I slept over .

Okay,we'll I'll cut to the chase cause I really don't want to have any problems with you .

OK this just went from awkward to extra awkward.

Do you love Justin?

I chocked ,literally choked, she had to get water for me

Uh, I cleared my throat before speaking... Why would you ask that Temi?...I mean,Justin is my best friend,he has and always will  be.

She sighed,you haven't answered the question you love him?

Yes I do, but only as a bestfriend should,why in the world would you ask me that girl?

Well,I just thought that since the kiss you guys had,maybe something has changed,feeling maybe?.

Nooooooooo,absolutely not.

Justin has really been distant lately,like I tried talking to him,he said nothing.

I think you should let him be on his own for a little while.

But you were with him weren't you?..if that's what he needed then he wouldn't have let you be with him ...or maybe he now likes you Or love you,which ever.

What!!!!!, Justin ,no,he dosent, he's still very much crazy about you Temi,nothing's is going to change that,not even me...I can't come between the too of you ,never,and am he's bestfriend,he can't take a break from me..I said and chuckled,trying to make light of the situation but she didn't want to.

Hayley,I just,she trailed off..I just think of those cliché stories when bestfriends kiss and start to fall in love with each other and there is a million possibility that it can happen.

Forget about that,Justin has been my bestfriend for 13years,I didn't fall in love with him then, I don't think its now that it would start just because of a kiss.

She starts sobbing.

Shhh,don't cry.I walked close to her and hugged have nothing to worry about.

Okay she sighed .

Well that went partially well,I guess...I can't have feelings for justin,could I?..absolutely not..I would never do anything to hurt Temi or her relationship.. I hope.

Soooooo what do you think???!!!!...I know this part is really short but stick around..!!!!!!💃💃💃💃💃💃

Friends with BenefitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora