chapter 8-Camping Trip

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(Hayley's p.o.v)

"So as I nevoursely packed my things for the camping trip,a wave of happiness washed through me knowing that it was with Jake that somehow we would get to know each other there,and we would be in the woods for 3days alone,well not technically alone but you get what an trying to say.."

I told the squad about the trip and they were all jumping with joy,what douche bags".

"Am nervousely excited,yhh,that's the term."

"We all met at the school,all the biology students,Mr Joe quickly paired us to seat with whom we are paired with inside the bus."

"He looked at me "why don't we seat at the back,it's more private and we could you know do something there he said smirking."

"I hit him on his muscled chest,it was so firm,somehow have always wanted to do that to know how his chest really feels and I like the firmness."

"Oouch,that hurt,he said."

"I rolled my eyes and giggled looking away feeling the heat in my face."

"Come on lets just go to the back,trust me,you are safe with me he said"

"O ok I said,once again blushing like an idiot."

"It was a long ride and somehow I fell asleep."

"I heard someone calling my name,hayls,hayls we are here."

"I opened my eyes and saw that I was resting my head on Jake's shoulders and he was staring at me with his blue sea eyes,I quickly jerked up and said "sorry,didn't mean to sleep on you."

"He laughed ,it was a laugh that reached his blue gorgeous eyes making his eyes sparkle,I liked it,I liked the way he laughed and the way it reached his eyes and made them sparkle."

"Ooh ok I said looking away."

"This is where we Will be staying Mr Joe said pointing to a nice coutage at the front of us.."

"You each get one bed to sleep he said,now go in and Take your pick."

"What??? bed?.how dose he expect me and Jake to share a bed,that's just absurd."

"Mr. Joe I called out."

"Yes hayley,any problem?."

"Uhmm not really but you said one bed for me and my partner,am actually paired with a boy,so I don't think it's a good idea to sleep in the same bed I said."

"Oh hayley I am so sorry about that but there is nothing I can do,you are also not the only one paired with a boy,you just have to manage,the school didn't give me much and so this was all I could cough up he said,besides you and Jake lakewell are friends,it wouldn't be that ackward."

"Oh ok.."how do he even know we are friends??."

"I felt hands on my shoulders turning me to face the direction of Jake,he was the one turning me,when I looked at him he was smilling endlessly."

"Hey,dont worry,it will all be good,besides I won't harm you,atleast not yet he says smirking."

"My heart was literally racing as I asked stuttering

W what do you mean not yet,I started biting my lips out of nervousness again,bad habbit, bad habbit I said to myself but couldnt stop."

"He looked at me and burst out laughing,am joking,just look at how your small frame is trembling and how you eyes are so full of fear he said."

"Well it wasn't a funny joke I said pouting."

"Come on he said holding my hand,lets go get our bed."

"Am beginning to think this trip is going to be Very big mistake,hopefully am giving the benefit of a doubt."



Friends with BenefitsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora