chapter 6-Deal Check

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(Hayley's p.o.v)

"After English class was over,I decided to go to the Cafeteria to eat with my squad since I had a free period...I hadn't quite Seen them all week and I have missed them really much,so I went to the cafeteria,headed to our normal hangout side and saw them there,thank God Jake wasn't anywhere in sight,I would have Turned right back because I really hate his gut and dislike the guy."

"Hey sisi,susy called out."

"What's good I said,have missed Ya'al so much."

"Well we have Missed you too and We heard about your friends with benefit thingy temi and Justin are cooking up for you ."

"Ughhguhhh I groaned,well I didn't ask them too but I guess they wouldnt just let me be."

"  i gave both temi and Justin a deadly look,they just smiled at me."

"Actually we think it's a good idea sisi,Blake said."

"Yhh we all agree ,susy said."

"Seriously why do you guys hate me so much I asked them..."

"I practically hate this guy's guts,he's too proud and I hate proud people,you all know that."

"They all laughed and so did I."

"We started talking,cathing up on the Last days we've Been away from each other when Jake worked in on us.."

"Ugh,could I not see him for the Rest of my life please,I looked Up to the Sky and Said it in my mind,hoping to get my request granted."

" ..fraustrated,I stood up to leave because I was not in the mood to see his hot body and preety face."

"I was about to leave when he held my hand with a firm grip."

"I felt my knees giving up on me at the time so I rested my other free hands on the table at the cafeteria,I immediately turned jelly when I looked into his eyes,those deep captivating blue eyes of his,once again I was lost in it.

"Snapping myself out of the trapy eyes in front of me,I said while stuttering

W what ??"

"Am sorry about last time,please don't leave because of me he said."

"Shocked and surprised at his words ,I thought to myself,so now you can behave like a normal human."

"W well itss ok I Said still stuttering."

"looking into his eyes once again,I just get more lost each time I look at them."

"Thank you he smiled and said."

"So,if you guys are done with exchanging vows,we could talk about the bestfriend thingy temi said grinning."

"I rolled my eyes and said am still not sure I want to go into this,I don't want to be a bother to jake I said,besides he sure does have a girlfriend."

"No I don't have a girlfriend,am totally free and don't worry,you ain't bothering me he said smirking devilishly."

"So what do you say sisi,we are all doing this because we love you and want you to have fun plus Jake is a nice catch you know, susy said."

"I thought to myself,he is really a nice catch tho and his actually free,it wasn't really a bad idea,my friends only wants the best for me so what the neck"

"Earth to sisi,Justin said."

"Well ok,I guess I could give it a try."

"Hurray,temi exclaimed,grinning and giggling."

"I rolled my eyes at her."

"I don't have the list,I said."

"Here,Jake said giving me a laminated piece."

"I wanted to make it strictly business like,he said smiling."

"I giggled as I said,you didn't have to laminate it but ok."

"My signature is right there...he raised his hand to his muscled chest and said I swear to obey the rules at all time,I accept your terms and conditions."

"They all laughed and giggled at the way he talked."

"I smirked and giggled ok,

It's a deal check I said."



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