chapter 23-such a Gentleman

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(Hayley's p.o.v)

So after the incident of this morning, I had to meet up Desmond to celebrate with him on his new job.
I got home,took a hot bath,decided to fall my hair this time around,my face was getting to used to buns, I wore a big hoody and a tight with my floppy slippers as I wasn't going too far.

It was about 9pm when I knocked at his door,he opened up and instantly I took in his appearance, he was wearing a black trouser with a white byc, he was looking good even tho he was only in black and white,I mean why do boys look so good in back and white,it seems to be their signature look perhaps.

"Hayley are you going to come inside?"

I had not realised he was talking to me.

"Uh yeah sorry."

I entered in and a sweet smell hit me,a smell of home,a smell I was used too, brownies Grandma would always make them for me,I hadn't realised how have not heard from her in a while,I was going to call her as soon as I got back to my dorm.

"Is that brownies I smell?"

"Yeah, I know you like them,he said smiling his ever dazzling smile,showing off His perfect teeth."

"How did you know?."

"You told me silly."

"I laughed,I really don't remember but okay."

Soon he served the brownies with cake and hot chocolate,I was in heaven,even tho I was skinny,I was also a foodie my friends knew that.
He told me of how he got the job,how his boss is full of crap but how happy he his that he has a crappy boss,he was so happy, and I was happy that he was happy.

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