Ch.15 blood lust

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The scent of blood surrounded me and I couldn't seem to getaway from it. I closed my locker and covered my nose with my hoodie sleeve trying unsuccessfully to block it out. The lights began to turn off one by one till there was only the one I was standing under and some behind me. Blood was pouring out of her body and head and she didn't seem to care. "Sumiko, you need to leave now."

"and if I do not leave," she spat blood on my face and I could feel my eyes change. She smiled fangs showin, "you know you want it,come get it. Do not let it go to waste."

"Bitch please you do not have a clue at what I want and everytime I try to give you one you never take it. So why don't you just back off and leave us alone."

"Babe you know I can't do that."

"Then you leave me no choice," I mumbled. I unsheathed my sword and faught the urge to drink her blood. I was tired out quick and fell to the floor. I woke up back in class it all just being a bad dream making me growl to myself just when the last bell rang. I sighed, "finally." I got up and packed my stuff and went home. When I came home i was happy, relieved and most of all scared.

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