Ch.9 Painful silence

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I never felt the liquid leave my lungs and clearly I was dead, well I should have been. I felt my soul leave my body, when I looked around me I didn't feel pain, fear or sadness. The only thing I felt was the cold air and electricity around me. I looked around from where I was and noticed I wasn't breathing, Brandon was trying to drown the chick that killed me. THAT BITCH! SHE FUCKING TRIED TO KILL ME! Realization hit me hard and I didn't plan on dying so soon, why had I stopped, why had I froze? Was it because I knew Brandon would be ashamed, that he would hate me for killing someone who would know? Did I freeze because I actually couldn't do it, because the mortal body said not to? I growled out loud and when I looked down at my body a dome of water hovered over my body, the rest of the pond dry dirt. Brandon let go of the girl and she just stood there holding her head in her hands as if she's been beaten. I watch Brandon walk towards my body and touch the dome of water. I fell around us leaving only dry dirt and a ring of water around us. I heard him cuss to himself as tears streamed down his face. I looked back at the girl no pain, no mercy, no emotion was for what she'd just done to me. Man I really wanted to kick her ass just as much if not more than Brandon's just because she hit on him then killed my ass. I couldn't really be dead could I, I mean I don't have a body but my soul is free or spirit since I no longer had a soul to be shattered or taken, I don't even have a heart anymore. Silence surrounded me and I've never hated the sound of nothingness in my entire life, until now.

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