Ch.11 hidden in the shadows

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I did as her father had said to do and began my long journey and walk home. I walked through the front door and sighed when I closed it behind me. How could this week get any worse than what it already has. I pulled out the backpack and notebooks when a slip of paper fell out of my bag, written in demon tongue. It wasn't my hand writing and sure as hell wasn't Nearly's only leave one person in mine, "Sumiko." Just saying her name made the room fall cold, sending shivers down my spine, causing my hairs to stand on end. "Son-of-a....." I sighed out in anger "Alright, alright I'll read it, but it doesn't mean I'm gonna like it." I unfolded the note and the room fell dark only a few lights dimmed to leave me enough in order to read only a few words, unfortunately not my favorite ones either.

"Dear boo,

I hope that we can have ourselves a little us time. I really hated how we never got to finish what we started all because your little toy intruded. Maybe next time I'll be able to take you as my own. It will be something to die and kill for. Love yeh lots!

-- Sumiko--"

The words were etched into the paper making it to hard to miss on accident or purpose for that matter. I burnt the paper in my hand and an eerie screech and the lights flashed as it lit up in blue flames. I growled and stuffed the books and papers into my bag not caring whether or not they crumpled up or ripped at this point I could give two shits less about school, but I have to do it for Nearly, for the father and family I failed. I arrived back on campus not allowing anyone to see my face or even hear me or my thoughts. I mostly kept to myself for the rest of the week, staying hidden, just going from class to class, course to course like a brainless zombie. It wasn't until I got to Math class that all of my silence and shadow hiding was no more. "Brandon would you like to tell the class how to do the problem, correctly this time." My hood was still over my eyes casting a shadow over them, hiding my new secret from the rest of the world. I didn't mind answering him till he tried to steal my bag away from me. "Mr. Drake could you take your hood down and put your bag back out in the hallway or hell even your locker it really does draw some negative vibes." I could feel his hand hovering over my hood and knew by how loud his thoughts were he planned to pull it off, but why I didn't stop him, everyone wanted a show, I was gonna give them one. He yanked the hood down and I grabbed the bag with the edge of my toes and kicked it up. I drew my sword out of the sheath and pointed it at his throat once I stood up in a to fast manner. "Why Mr.Drake you could get in a lot of trouble for carrying a weapon on you let alone draw it out on a teacher. Nice hair by the way did they bleach it to much when you tried to dye it blonde?" The class roared in laughed and I wasn't gonna take it, but I wasn't gonna kick his ass, yet.

"Hey Hitler called he said he wanted his stash and Jews back." Everyone in the room fell silent and some silent ohh's followed with it. He stood extremely close to my face and just laughed.

"If a duels what you want Mr.Drake, then a duel you shall get." He went to the front of the class where his desk was and pushed his fingers underneath it allowing a secret draw to open. Once his hands came out from underneath it, he drew out a sword and pointed it at me. "You ready," he smiled like the cocky bastard he truly was.

"Let's get this over with," I walked to the front of the class and stood on the other short end of his desk near the windows while he stood by the door.

"Ok class today we were gonna learn about angles and algorithms but it seems that were gonna have a lesson on fencing. Thankfully you need a lot of math and angles in order to do it so Imma do attack and you guys shout out the answer of degrees or the stance or attack. Also this is a pop quiz so all must participate. GO!" He started doing parries and then started throwing his sword around for no reason. This fat ass thot made fun of my demon mark, but how could he see it unless. That's when I saw his eyes flash black and green, Sumiko.

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