28. Your Body Is My Favorite

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Shawn's perspective

From : Me
To : Princess

"Baby ! Are you coming back soon ?"

I wait again for a reply, but it's already the third text I've sent this morning and still no answer. Y/N is at the gym again, like all the other mornings of the last few weeks. I came back from Los Angeles a month ago, and since then she has been spending a lot of time working out. It didn't really bother me until the last few days. But that's when she came back yesterday, completely worn out and sore, that I truely started to worry.

Don't get me wrong, I work out everyday too, but I don't come back almost unable to walk after my session.

My thumbs stop taping the back of my phone nervously when I feel it buzz. I quickly look at the screen, and my eyebrows furrow immediately.


No what ? Does she really think I'll be fine with this simple answer ? No fucking way.

"Baby, please. Come back home now, you've been away for 3 hours."

This time I get a reply almost as soon as I send the text.

"No, Shawn. I'm not done with my work out yet, I'll come back later. Be patient."

Be patient ? Really ? What have I been doing so far ?

"Y/N, I'm not joking anymore. Come home now. If you're not there in 10 minutes, I'll come pick you up myself, and it won't be funny."

I hate to be that stern and harsh with her, but it really starts to get on my nerves.

"Please, don't be mad. I'm coming."

My heart aches a bit. I know my previous words probably shocked her a bit, but I couldn't help it. Now at least, I know she is not doing those stupid exercises anymore, tiring her beautiful body for nothing.

Just a little bit more than 10 minutes later, as I was becoming anxious, I can finally hear the front door open and close right after.

"Shawn ? Are you here ?"

"Yeah, in the living room."

Her light steps break the silence of the room, and I can feel her arms wrap around my neck from behind. She's careful not to touch me too much to avoid the transfer of sweat. I close my eyes briefly to enjoy her touch.

"Are you ok ? Why did you sound so angry through your texts ?"

I sigh and gently remove her arms from my body as I try to stand up. I let my back facing her for a moment before turning to catch her gaze with mine.

"Listen Y/N, yesterday I asked myself a tone of questions, but I will go slow. First, how are you feeling ? Like, really ?"

She gives me a weird look and hesitates a few seconds. She opens her mouth but closes it before a word can slip out.

"Baby ?"

"Hmm... I-I feel good. Why this question ?"

"Please, Y/N, I ask the questions."

I look at her again and I notice she's completely lost. She seems so weak and confused. I sigh again and inhale deeply, wanting to get straight to the point.

"Ok, baby. Now tell me why you spend all your free time at the gym instead of here with me. It's a miracle that I have some time for you and just you. However, every morning I wake up alone because you're already gone. What's the problem ? Me ?"

Shawn Mendes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now