12. Babysitting

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Y/N's perspective

Unread message from : Shawny boy

"Baaaaaby ... I miss you :'( Can I come over this evening ? I want to cuddle the s*** out of you."

I smile as I read Shawn's text. He's so cute when he misses me. Unfortunately, I have to break his dream because I have a babysitting tonight.

New message to : Shawny boy

"I miss you too handsome ❤ Sorry, but I'm not at home tonight."

I recieve a reply almost right after.

"What ? Are you going out ? I swear if you put a too short dress on..."

I roll my eyes, knowing that Shawn is sometimes -even always- overprotective and jealous. I open Snapchat and take a picture of me in my sweatpants and one of his hoodie which drowns me. I add the quote "Isn't it too short ?" to mock him and send it.

A few seconds later, the little arrow next to my boyfriend's name becomes empty, indicating he saw my pic. I only get a picture of him making a silly face and emphasizing his lazy eye as a response. I laugh, proud of myself.

"Seriously, where are you going ?" Shawn texts me again.

I tell him I have a babysitting, and I don't know why, but he decides to call me.

"Hello ?" I ask, still not understanding why he wants to call me.

"Hi, baby. Damn, I love your voice." He says more to himself with a sweet voice.

"I want to see your beautiful face right now. Why don't you come here instead of going to this house ?" I immediately sigh, knowing what he's trying to do.

"No, Shawn. I can't cancel like that... I have to be there in 30 minutes."

I hear him sigh as well and I know for a fact that he's pouting as if I was in front of him.

"Can you at least ask the family if I can come with you ?" He finally proposes like a little child who asks his parents for an icecream.

I chuckle a little but shake my head from left to right, even if he can't see me.

"My love, do you really think they'll say yes ? I'm there to look after their children, not after my boyfriend." I reply.

"Please, baby ! Please, please, please ! Can you try ? Please..." He begs, making me hesitate.

I finally give up and tell him I'll send a text to the parents. He squeals like a girl and asks me to give him some news once I have an answer. I hang up and send a text to the parents.

"Hi, Mrs.Clarks. I was wondering if I could bring my boyfriend tonight. He's really responsible, and he loves kids. No need to pay him, he's totally willing to do that."

"Yes of course, dear. At least, you won't get bored when the children are in bed."

"Thank you so much ! See you later."

I text Shawn it's okay and move from the couch to get ready. Twenty minutes later, we're both in front of the door, waiting for someone to open it. A middle-aged woman appears seconds later and greets the both of us before letting us walk in.

"Ok, so they already ate, but if they want candies or snacks, you can allow them. It's not for once... Oh, can you read a story to Lilly before she goes to bed ? She's had really bad dreams lately, and it helps her to calm down before she sleeps." She instructs me as she grabs her purse and keys on the counter of the kitchen, his husband waiting for her.

"Oh, and you have a nice boyfriend." She adds, smiling at Shawn who is now a bit uncomfortable.

I smile back at her and follow the couple to the front door. They finally leave, and we're now alone with the three kids. They ask us to watch tv so we all sit in the huge couch. Lilly, the little girl of the group, is on my lap, and her two brothers surround Shawn. I grab the tv controler which is right next to me, and they choose a movie on Netflix.

Halfway through the film, two of the children have already fallen asleep.
I stand up with the little girl in my arms and try to wake them up gently, telling them to go upstairs.

After ten good minutes and with Shawn's help, I finally manage to get them all in their bed. I'm now sitting on Lilly's bed with Shawn, and I open a book to read it to her.

"Y/N ?" The little girl's voice stops me before I can start.

"Yeah, Lilly ?"

"When does Daddy and Mommy come back ?"

"Soon, princess. I promise. Sleep tight, and tomorrow in the morning, they'll be here." I reply.

"Daddy's already here." Shawn whispers in my ear in a seductive yet joking tone, making me freeze and my eyes widen.

I ignore him and try to focus on the kid.

"Can Shawn sing to me instead ? I heard him sing to you when we were brushing our teeth." She asks with sparkling eyes glued on Shawn.

I turn my face to see my boyfriend's reaction, and he looks at me too then back to the little girl. He shrugs and asks her what she wanted to hear. She says she doesn't know so Shawn just starts singing random melodies until she falls asleep.

Shawn and I then go back downstairs and continue to watch the film we haven't finished. I lay on the couch, my head resting on his thighs, as he runs his fingers through my long messy hair.

"You're beautiful." He whispers randomly, making me move a little to see his face properly. His eyes are staring at my lips as a curl falls on his forehead, which is kinda cute and hot at the same time.

He puts his finger under my chin and lifts it up as he leans down to kiss me. The position isn't really comfortable for me so I move to straddle him. The kiss turns quickly into a passionate one, and soon, Shawn's swollen lips are going down to my jaw, then my neck, only to stop on my collarbone.

"S-Shawn..." I moan. "Stop... We can't do that."

"And why that ?" He stops, his lips lingering against my skin, his brows raised.

"You really want to do that on Mr. and Mrs. Claks's couch ? And what if the children wake up and hear us ?" I answer.

"C'mon, they won't. Don't you find that exciting to have sex in a house that is not ours ? Cause I do." He says as he kisses serveral times my warm skin.

"No, Shawn. Stop it." I try to get out of his grip but he's really strong.

"S-Shawn..." I whine as he blows some cold air on the purple mark he just left seconds ago, making me shiver.

A sound of keys makes my eyes shoot open, and I realize the parents are back. I sit back on the couch quickly and fix my hair, trying to look normal. I see Shawn pressing on his private parts. Guess I had an impact on him too...

"Hi, guys ! How was it ? Did Tyler bother his sister ?" Mrs.Clarks asks.

"N-No, not at all. He was very friendly, just as much as his sibilings. That was great." I reply truthfully.

She gives me a smile before looking for something in her bag. She then hands me some dollars, a grin still on her face.

"Thank you, Mrs. I think we should go now. It's pretty late." I state as I shake her hand, maybe a bit too fast.

I turn to her husband to do the same, but his eyes catch something they didn't need to see : these giant hickeys on my chest and neck. He looks up at me with a weird expression on his face and releases my hand. My cheeks heaten as I walk outside, followed by Shawn. Once the door is closed, I nudge my boyfriend's chest.

"They saw it ! Now they think we fucked in their couch !" I half giggle, half scream.

"Well... They'll call another babysitter next time."

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