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They were going to visit the orphanage already.

"Taehyung, are you ready!?" Hyonhee called after him.

Taehyung opened the door, "Patience Kang Hyonhee"

"Whatever, let's go."

They met Minsoo in front of the orphanage. They were walking towards her, then she caught sight of them.

"What took you so long Hyonhee? Our call time was five minutes ago, and you've never even been a minute late-"

"Could you stop over reacting?"

"No, I can't stop over reacting. FIVE MINUTES LATE Kang Hyonhee, Five min-" she stopped talking when she noticed Taehyung behind her.

"Oh, you must be Kim Taehyung." she said as she smirked at Hyonhee.

Hyonhee was warning her mentally 'I. will. kill. you. If. you. say. anything. stupid.'

Taehyung and Minsoo shook hands.

"So how is sharing a room with my lovely friend?" Minsoo asked him.

Hyonhee turned red. Taehyung was about to answer, but Hyonhee insisted them to go inside already.

"Oh my god, let's just go in. The kids are waiting."

When they entered inside, Hyonhee felt slightly relieved again. Every time she sees the kids' smiling, it reminded her of the times when she was a happy kid in Seoul.

The kids walked towards Minsoo and her, then gave them a hug.

"There's someone new!" a little girl shouted, as she was referring to Taehyung. They went up to him and started asking his name. "What's your name?", Taehyung introduced himself happily.

They hang out with the children, playing games, and telling jokes. Hyonhee saw Taehyung enjoying with a box-like smile on his face, and she have never seen him smile like that before.

It was story time again, and Hyonhee decided to read Cinderella to them. They were all quiet, and listening to Hyonhee as she reads the fairy tale to them. When she was done reading, one of the youngest ones spoke up. "Hyonhee, you must be Cinderella." the kid said.

The children were all muttering and agreeing. Hyonhee blushed, "No, no, Why is that?" she laughed as she asked them.

"Because You're beautiful, and kind" the children replied.

Hyonhee shook her head as if to disagree.

"It's true." Taehyung spoke up, "She is beautiful, and kind like Cinderella."

Hyonhee's heart fluttered.

"See, even Taehyung agrees." one of the kids said.

"Of course I agree. When I first met Hyonhee I thought she was Cinderella." Taehyung added.

"Okay, okay. I am Cinderella." Hyonhee went with the flow.

"But then you need to have a prince charming" the children said.

'Ugh, these kids' she said mentally.

"Taehyung is Hyonhee's Prince Charming" they all said.

"Okay, kids. Settle down." Hyonhee tried to stop them.

"Yeah, I am." Taehyung agreed.

Hyonhee seriously wanted Taehyung to shut up, but it was a way to make the kids happy, so she rolled with it.

"Yes, yes. He is my Prince Charming."

"Then who am I?" Minsoo asked the children

"You're Ariel, Minsoo." said one of the kids.

They all laughed together. One of the kids grabbed Hyonhee's shoe, and ran away with it.

"Gun-ho give it back." she said while laughing.

The little boy walked towards Taehyung with her shoe, and gave it to him. "Taehyung wear this to Hyonhee." All the children squealed, including Minsoo.

Taehyung walked towards her, and knelt. "Well princess, I hope this fits you." he told her while laughing.

Hyonhee tried not to blush. "Of course it will, My Prince, it's because it is mine." she said laughing.

Taehyung put back the shoe on her foot. His face was just inches away from hers. He looked up at her and smiled, she smiled back.


Taehyung had fun. Something about those kids made him happy.

"When are we going back to visit?" he asked Hyonhee.

They were already making their way to the hotel.

"Miss them already? Same."

"They're lucky you know? I was really young when I lost my father, because of an accident in a construction site. I was an orphan since I was six, but unlike them I wasn't brought to an orphanage." he told her.

"How about your mom? Where was she?"

"She died giving birth to me." he said

Hyonhee looked at him, "How about you? You said once that your mom doesn't support you. What do you mean?" he asked her. They already entered the hotel, and made their way up the room.

"I meant that I ran away from home, and they had no idea I went to Seoul, but they probably know now." she told him. They entered the room, and Hyonhee sat on the couch.

"Why did you do it? Why did you ran away from your home?" Taehyung asked her.

"My dad died, and all I blamed was them." she replied to him with teary eyes. She continued, "My dad was sick, then he caught my mom cheating. Me, and my mom weren't really close. My sister Hyemin was always on my mom's side. I wanted to go back to Seoul a long time ago, but my mom didn't want to. Dad promised me we'll come back here soon, but he passed away."

Before tears could fall down, she wiped them off. "All I had was my dad, and now he's gone. I'm all alone now." she smiled at him painfully.

"No you're not."

It was weird that Taehyung meant it.

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