Ch. 11 The Halloween Dance

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WARNING: Sexual Content!

You have been warned!

The last couple of weeks passed. Jessie is pregnant, her and Luke actually hit it off pretty well. I went on my date with Nick, he took me ice skating. It was really fun. But in the end, I chose Erik. Nick and me are on good terms, we didn't let it affect our friendship. He was actually happy for us. We were the gossip for a week untill new gossip came up. Prissy was still claiming she was pregnant with his baby but he didn't do anything for her. He did decide he'd come to the baby's doctor appointments. He was doing this for the baby not her. That helped, too. We're going to the dance together. Luke and Jessie are going. Jake and Daisy are going. They are so cute together. Bailey and Kyler are going. Nick and Brad are going with some random girls. We paid up our bet money. We lost some and we won some. Well, today school hadn't gone by fast enough. I'm at home getting ready with Daisy and Bailey, who are both excited about their dates. We were helping each other. Funny thing that happened was when Bailey was curling my hair, I was brushing Daisy's hair, and Daisy was painting Bailey's toe nails, It looked hilarious. We had to hurry up and have three girls ready in four hours, we had alot of work to do. Finally, we all were ready and waiting for our dates. They arrived at the same time. We took plenty of pictures and my mom took even more. Finally, we all got to leave. Erik lead me to his car. He was so tacky, but it looked so hot on him. He was wearing a tux minus a tie, Wranglers, and Vans. I was wearing a long sparkley purple dress that had one shoulder, a slit up my leg that came mid-thigh, and the bottom came to my ankles. I had my hair curled, beautifully. I had my pair of black heels on and some pretty jewelery to match. He even got my a pretty silver crossage. We walked into the dance arm and arm. We took a picture.

"Want to dance, my pretty lady?" Erik offered his hand.

"Yes." I laughed, taking his hand. We danced and spun around. We talked with our friends. I forgot to mention that Cole came with some girl in his science class. We talked and laughed. We danced and took pictures. It was amazing. We apparently have really corny dances because there's a Fright King and Queen. I laughed when I heard about it. Everything was going perfect. Me and Erik are dancing.

"You're the most beautiful girl ever." Erik said in my ear. I melted, right there. My knees got a little wobbly. I smiled. He spun me. He dipped me. Yes, I figured out that, that's his favorite move. He started kissing me. I kissed back and man, was it good. We kissed deep and long. I heard a few girls make disgusted noises. I blushed but Erik kept kissing me. After awhile we pulled apart for oxygen. He put me back on my feet and we started dancing like nothing happened. I knew there was more than a few people who saw us. I put my head in his shoulder to hide my blush when I noticed people were staring.

"People are staring." I groaned.

"They're just jealous." He chuckled his deep, sexy chuckle.

"I would like to announce to Fright King and Queen." A guy who was the head of the student council of made the dance possible. He got our attention.

"Fright King is.............. Erik Bell." He said grabbing the crown. I kissed Erik on the cheek and we all cheered for him as he went to get his crown.

"And his Fright Queen is.............. Danielle Hunt." He grabbed the tiara. I stood there shocked. I wasn't expecting that. I heard Prissy throw a fit. Daisy pushed me forward. I walked up stage to get it. I stood there next to Erik as he crowned me, smiling.

"Now, the king and queen's first dance." The guy said hinting at the DJ. Erik lead me to the middle of the floor that had been cleared and a spotlight was pointed at it. The music started up and we danced so elegant, so beautiful. I really felt like a queen. When the music ended he spun me around and bowed. I held back my laugh and did a cursty. We walked back to out friends ad I busted out laughing.

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