The Jock And The Crazy Girl?

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I was screaming! My parents just told me I'm moving! I have lived in this place for five years! This was my home. We're moving halfway across the country. I wanted to cry and scream at the same time. I can't believe them! Just because of a job! I had to take several deep breaths to calm myself. Well, I cried my self to sleep that night.

That was a month ago and now we are in godforsaken Oklahoma. I wasn't in the middle of nowhere but I could drive an hour and be there. Tomorrow is the first day of school here. I grudgily went shopping for school clothes. Ok, I couldn't stay mad that long, I love shopping too much. It was so fun, I absolutely love the mall. Now, I'm trying to figure out what to wear. Nothing slutty but not like im a goody-goody who doesn't show her curves. Ok, I have the same amount of curves as I did when I was 13 and I'm 16. As in I can barely say I got a chest and I really ain't got much of an ass. So, I had to find clothes that made me look like I actually had curves. In other words, push-up bras and tight jeans across my butt. Do you ever do that? Talk about your curves to people. You should jus to see what they'd say. Anyways, back to clothes hunting. I finally settled on a neon pink areopostral t-shirt, some dark skinny jeans, and boots that had camo with pink background (they're so cool). I'm in Oklahoma and I do like the cowgirl style. Now, bedtime. I layed down and tried not to think bout my first day.

Just a little about myself. My name's Danielle Hunt, I'm 16, crazy, immature, loud, talkative, creative, sarcastic, a smartass, and some people think I'm insane. O and I'm very easy to entertain. I'm proud of all my qualities, and I may be a little cocky. Nothing too bad. I'm just a kid at heart. I'm loving, caring, my friends are my world. On the flip side I may be a little rude and people say I have a crude sense of humor. Whatever though.

My alarm clock started blaring. Damn alarm clocks. I smacked the off button and groaned. I am not a morning person. I got dressed, ate, brushed my teeth and hair, a little make up, and left in my truck. My hair was curly from where I put it in rollers last night. Yeah, laugh all you want, I sure as hell wasn't getting up even earlier to curl my hair. I have this little red Chevy truck. It's pretty cool actually. I pulled into my new school and found a parking space. The first thing I notice was, they had cliques. I hated cliques, there's just no point in them. I stepped out and the wiind blew my curls behind me. I had a pair of awesome shades on and I deffiantly made an entrance. The school had a decent amount of students. They didn't get alot of new students though. I had my mp3 blaring in my ears and I had my phone out texting. Funny, I was texting a couple of my friends from my old school. I heard a guy do a low wolf whistle. I grabbed my bag out from the bed of my truck. Ok, I'm such a tease. But, come on, it's so much fun. I seen the guy who whistled, he was leaned against a silver car with some of his buddies.

"Like what you see?" I asked sweetly, batting my eyes.

"Yeah." He smirked looking me up and down.

"Good, because that's all you can do. Look." I smirked and spun on my heels, walking away. His friends were giving him crap about it. I'm not a bitch, I just like to have a little fun like that. This is why people say I have a crude sense of humor, because I found that really funny. I heard some 'ughs' from a couple of girls.

"She thinks she can come here an rule the school." A slut to my right said in disgust. I already knew she was a cheerleader if not the head cheerleader.

"You got a problem with me? If you do, let's settle this now." I said turning torward her.

"Fine." She looked like she was wearing my old barbie dolls' clothes.

"I don't give a shit about you 'popular' people. Nobodies going to push me around and they sure as hell not going to insult me. If someone has a problem with me come up to my face and tell me. We'll settle it right then, right there." I yelled the last part. looking around. Slut girl loked like she was going to say something.

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