Ch. 5 My Date With Nick

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I woke up again at 3 pm. What woke me up was my phone going off. I had a text message from Nick saying he'd pick me up at 8 pm. I groaned and got up to get ready. I had five hours but I needed all the time I could get. I brushed my hair and took a shower. I threw on some booty shorts and a black belly shirt that said 'Princess' on it. I'd look through my closet five times before I'll choose what I'm going to wear, I always do. I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was sitting on the counter eating cereal when I heard a knock on my door. I jumped down and answered the door.

"Hello?" I asked, answering the door.

"Hey." Erik stood there with my dress and heels in his hands.

"Come in." I invited him in.

"I brought your stuff." He said as he followed me.

"Thanks, here follow me." I headed to my room.

"Where's you parents?" He asked following me.

"Gone for the weekend. Sorry about the mess." I opened the door to my room.

"It's ok. Have you seen my house?" He stepped in. My mom always told me my room looked like a pig sty, no matter where we were at.

"Just lay it on my bed." I said taking a bite of cereal.

"Ok. Why do you have cereal, just wondering?" He shrugged looking at the cereal bowl in my hands.

"Can a girl not have breakfast at 3 in the afternoon?" I asked taking another bite. He shook his head.

"The only reason you get to slide is because you went to a party last nite. I liked you in my shirt and boxers but I can get to this, too." He winked at my outfit. I rolled my eyes.

"You just wish this was yours." I joked.

"Who doesn't?" He smiled.

"Since you're here, can you help me with something? And not that, perv." I added knowing what he'd think. He laughed.

"Depends. I was hoping for that other thing but I might do something else." He smirked.

"Can you help me pick out an outfit for my date tonight?" I gave him a puppy dog face. He groaned which means the puppy dog face works on him, I'll have to remember that.

"Sure. Who you going out with?" He asked a little too casually. Is he jealous? Aww, that's cute.

"Nick. Remeber, he couldn't pay his bet?" I asked with a smile on my face as I looked at him.

"Oh, yeah, right. So, how many outfits will we go through?" He asked looking scared at the amount of clothes I might try on. I grinned evil.

"You'll see." I grabbed some clothes and went to my bathroom. I got lucky, I have a bathroom in my bedroom. I put on a black dress that came to my knees and wasn't low cut. It was pretty and the skirt flew around when I spun. Those are my favorite kind. I walked out.

"Hmm, maybe. What are yall doing anyways?" He asked looking at my dress.

"I have no idea. He said it was a surprise." I looked at my self in my full length mirror.

"I don't know. Come here." He got up and moved to me. He twirled me around. It was fun. I laughed.

"I'm going to get dizzy." I laughed as he spun me to him. He dipped me.

"That's how you actually dance." He laughed and placed me on my feet.

"Smooth. So, what do you rate it?" I gave another twirl.

"Eight and what's up with you and rating? Are you sure you ain't a guy?" He laughed.

"It's the easiest way. I don't look like a guy but other than that I don't think so." I emphasized 'think'.

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