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Hayes POV

I'm happy, yet frustrated that Madison isn't moving anymore.

I'm happy because she's my girlfriend, but I'm frustrated because she's one of my girlfriends. Yeah, I have 2. But neither one knows I have another girlfriend. Nobody knows, except me. I like Madison more than my other girlfriend, Jordan. But I still like Jordan.

I have to break up with Jordan, and I have to do it soon.

When we got home from the Cooke's, I went upstairs and called Jordan.

"Hey babe" she says.

"Hey, Jordan, um can we meet at the park tomorrow?"

"Sure, what time"

"About 3?"

"Ok, see you then" she says.

"Ok, bye"

We both hang up and since it's late, I go to bed.

*Next morning*

I woke up and got out of bed.

I checked my phone and Madison texted me.

M: Busy today?

H: Yeah, sorry. Why

M: I wanted to go somewhere, I don't have anything today

H: Oh, sorry babe. I have lax

M: I thought you have it tomorrow?

H: Well, actually our coach kinda messed up. We have it today

M: Oh okay

H: Sorry

M: Its ok maybe tomorrow

H: Alright, bye babe

M: Bye

I got in the shower and went down stairs to get something to eat.

My mom made waffles, so I put two on my plate and sit down to eat.

After I eat, I watch tv and go on twitter for a while.

Then I check the time, and it's 2:48.

"Nash, I'm going to the park!" I scream from the bottom of my stairs.

"Ok!" He replies

I grab my penny board and ride down to the park.

Jordan is sitting on the bench by the tree in the shade, so I start to walk over.

I'm walking to the tree, when all of a sudden, I notice a familiar face.



Sorry it's not that good, and that it's short.

I said that if I got 1k read by Friday, I'd do a long chapter, but I didn't get 1k til like 2 AM yesterday morning, so it was Saturday.

I'm sure Hayes isn't like this - having two girlfriends - in real life, but I just wanted to make the story more dramatic.

I will hopefully update later!


Miracle at Camp {Hayes Grier}Where stories live. Discover now