November 1st

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Friday, November 1st, 2013


  I had stayed out by the tree with Luke until the clock -or my phone, in this case- struck twelve. The two beers were enough to get me slightly tipsy, so I was easily sobered up in this time. My head was heavy on my body, rocking back and forth in all of my uneasiness, but I was fine.

 Sitting with Luke had made me feel better. It didn’t fix anything. It didn’t make me any less invisible to everyone else in the luxurious home. Yet, it was nice to be seen.

  When Olive and I had met up by the front door, she had asked me where I had been. I wanted to tell her about Luke, really. But I felt like he was the one thing that I had at this moment. As selfish as it was, I didn’t want to lose him. So, with this, I simply told her I was talking to all of my Barthrow “pals”; getting in the know of what I had missed in the past few months. 

  Yeah right.


 At school, I was tired and a headache throbbed in my head. Nevertheless, as I walked down the halls with Ed, Brin, and Piper, I felt in place. On our left, down came Luke, walking down the hallway with his bag on his shoulders. 

  It was easy to offer him a smile.

  Barthrow may have been my home, yet maybe it was at Orchid that I belonged. 


  I had been worried all night about Holly, seeing as she had left so suddenly. We had parted with simple goodbyes, no affirmation of how she was feeling.

  When she smiled at me in the hallways the following day, I felt like singing. That smile was always magnificent, but seeing her so happy as a contrast to yesterday? Simple perfection. 

The Fault in Our Stars is out on Friday. I don't know if I'm ready for this. 

Can we take a moment to realize that Henry and Alice Green (John's kids) must get the best bedtime stories? 

May we also take a moment to thank you all for not only reading, yet for being absolutely phenomenal? I love you I love you I love you.


PS: Bringing on the drama in the next chapter

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