Chapter 2 | Featured Dinner

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"SoYou, are you alright?" Jimin held his free hand out to her. "You can hang on to me if you want. Let's make a train so we don't get lost." He gave a small smile, hoping she didn't think he was being bothersome.

SoYou took his hand without hesitation, holding it tightly to keep herself steady after getting another push. Once they managed to walk out of the densest area, she blushed at their hands intertwined.

I am...holding...onto...Park Jimin's hand... Oh my...god...

She was half panicking on the inside. His hands always looked small to her from all the pictures and videos online but now that she could compare with her own, his hands were larger yet so soft. Nevertheless, she knew he gave her his hand because he noticed she was struggling. Of course. He was as sweet in person as he was in his videos.


They stumbled into the restaurant, getting one last harsh push from the crowd. As SoYou sighed in relief, Jin grumbled frustratingly. "You alright? That was a pretty aggressive crowd. Weird. They usually only appear during weekends."

Jimin nodded in an agreement, straightening his clothes and removing his mask. He noticed Jin with furrowed brows and followed his line of sight to his own hands interlocked with SoYou's, making him flush red immediately as he yanked his hands out. "S-Sorry!"

SoYou flinched at the sudden loss before noticing Jimin's blushed face, coughing to hide her own blush. She shifted the focus by writing on her notebook, somewhat uncomfortable by the creased look Jin was giving them. "I already had my dinner. Please go ahead and order for yourselves."

Jimin appreciated her changing the topic and jumped aboard, calling out to the restaurant staff while averting Jin's eyes. Once they were seated at the corner booth, Jin finally ceased staring at them and immersed himself in the menu. Feeling excited, SoYou realized she was in the front row seats of a live EatJin episode featuring Jimin who was also focused on the menu.

On the other hand, Jimin was consciously avoiding eye contact with SoYou now. Thinking back on what happened, he's been too friendly too quickly with SoYou for his own liking, and his members definitely picked up on it.

Why, though?

He shook his head, not contemplating the question too much.

She's a co-worker. Behave yourself. Even if she's a brilliant composer you want to get close to, control yourself, me.

When the waiter came, Jin practically spit-fire rapped out his orders. Since the restaurant wasn't as busy, the food came out quickly, lining the entire table with dishes. Jimin and SoYou deadpanned stared at the bulk of food that seemed like it would be enough to feed all seven members. Jimin slowly turned to Jin. "You pig--Ow!" Like he had expected the comment, he smacked Jimin's arm.

"Jiminie, I know you haven't been eating well lately so for your info, we're not leaving until you finish all this. Got it?"

Jimin grumbled out a 'yes, sir' before sighing deeply.

Of course, Jin-hyung noticed.

His condition hasn't been good lately and it could all be blamed to him never being satisfied with his lyrics. He consistently stressed over them during his resting time and overworked himself during practice to tire out his frustrations.

At Jin's words, SoYou became worried. Though she loved all of the BTS members, with Jimin being her ultimate bias, she would notice so much more of his actions and condition. On recent shows and vLives, he seemed to be smiling less and appeared to be a bit torpid. Sometimes, he'd just space out as the other members conversed away without him. She wrote on her notebook quickly. "Jimin, we all know you're constantly working hard to lose weight and present the best side of yourself, but please do not stress too much. So just treat me as invisible and eat until you're happy full!" She actually wanted to add many more encouragements but held back, not wanting to sound like some crazy fan.

Serendipity  | Jimin x OCWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt