Be Brave My Dearest One

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Be brave, be brave
Oh my dearest one
Be brave, be brave
Remember God's command:
"Fear not for I am with you,
Do not be dismayed for I am your God,
I will strengthen you and help you,
I will uphold you with my
Righteous right hand."

Be brave, be brave
My beloved dear
Your path is ever so clear
In His loving hands
Your heart belongs
Cared and well loved
Like precious songs.

Be brave, be brave
I know you are,
But still I remind you
For you will still go far
You will travel more lands
And voyage more seas
So be brave, be brave
As you face chilling breeze
Be brave, be brave
'Til that day of eternal bliss.

A holy child of God
That's who you are
Brave and strong
For in Christ Jesus you belong
No matter what trials you face
You will continue the race
Your Courage will lead you on
Another victory you just won
By standing still in your faith
No answers of Him shall be late
You will receive all in His time
With His love so divine.
So stay brave my dearest one
His love for you shines brighter
Than the sun!

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