Rejoice. . . Mourn

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If there will be a time
You see me smile in times of mourning,
Or when I'm sad during happy days.
Please don't judge me,
When I laugh though suppose to cry
Or when tears fall when suppose to smile.
If you only knew my heart is torn in two.
If you could only feel what I feel
Like being crazy thinking if is this real?
So please don't judge me;
If you only knew how it is like
To be under the sun on a rainy day,
When I wear a genuine smile
But deep within, I bleed and cry. . .

Note: HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED being in a situation knowing that you only have one heart and yet having two opposite feelings AT THE SAME TIME?

You were genuinely happy for someone, was laughing with someone, wearing a geuine smile on your countenance, yet deep within your heart you bleed for the suffering of another soul. . .

Thinking of this it suddenly dawned on me the Words in the book of Romans 12:15

" Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn"

Yet in all this I know that #GODisinControl.

#ThankYouJesus for I know whatever happens YOUR LOVE WILL SUSTAIN me.

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