BBQ Sandwiches, Bully problems, and a helping hand

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When I woke up, I was just gonna go back to bed. But then I wondered: 'Are the girls really comfortable with me just moving in with them? I mean, I am a guy, so it would be awkward.' I then just decided to ask them.

Y/n: Hey, Ruby?

Ruby: Yeah, what is it Y/n?

Y/n: I was just wondering; are you girls really okay with me being the only guy here?

Weiss: Of course not you dunce! If it weren't for Professor Ozpin, you wouldn't be here right now!

Y/n: Oh. Your cruel, cruel words wound my heart. (Totally not an Assassin's Creed II reference)

Weiss: Shut up you dolt!

Y/n: Yeah yeah. Just "chill" out Ice Queen, heh.

Weiss: Did your idiot brother have to live with this every single day?

Y/n: ... You know, if you weren't my teammate, I would've told you to stop with the nicknames...

Weiss: Well, whatever!

Y/n: Welp, I'm going to bed.

-Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Y/n giving chibi baby Papyrus a piggy back ride-


The next day, I got up, did my routine and everything, and went to class. Professor Port went on and on about his young, glorious days. Fast forward to Professor Oobleck. The dude was talking so fast, the clock went from 11:30 to 12:45 in what felt like only 15 minutes. Next, was my favorite subject. Lunch. I don't care if it's not a subject. I bet you readers like it as much as I do. Anyways, I went to lunch. Well, teleported there is more like it. I grabbed (favorite food) and sat down at a random table. Call me whatcha want, I like sitting alone sometimes. Gives me time to have some peace. Until people start coming in.

Y/n: *Sigh* Here comes the crowd...

Random person #1: Come on! The BBQ Rib Sandwiches are on sale for only 50 Lien!

Y/n: Did he just say... BBQ Rib Sandwiches?! Gotta go fast!

You teleported before anyone could get there. You also bought some for team RWBY and JNPR. You then saw them sitting at the table you were sitting at. When you sat down, you noticed everyone with some disappointed faces.

Y/n: Hey there guys. How's it "Yanging"?

Everyone groaned, besides Yang, who just put a thumbs up for the pun.

Y/n: Seriously though. Why the long faces?

Ruby: Well, we missed out on the sale for the BBQ Rib Sandwiches...

Weiss: I hate to admit it, but I did like those Sandwiches...

Everyone else agreed. It was true. Those Sandwiches tasted like heaven. Little did they know though, that a person with a blue sweater and skull bandana mask had bought some for all of them...

Y/n: Hey. What if I told you all...

Soon, team RWBY and JNPR became interested, and soon had curiosity written all over their faces.

RWBY and JNPR: Yes?

Y/n: What if I told you all that... I bought the BBQ Rib Sandwiches for everyone else?

Then, it was silent...


Y/n: Heh. Yeah. Don't believe me? Here ya guys go.

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