This time making her flinch back a little

"oh yeah?! You dont know me either Egbert!" she shot at you

"Maybe because you WONT LET ME!!" you said angrily

"MAYBE I DONT WANT TO LET YOU!!!" she yelled, nearly screaming(damn this girl has a temper) before She dropped the bags in her hands

"AHH!" she said obviously trying to hold back the pain she was in, she looked at her hands and tried to shake them out

"Are you okay???" you said now worried, you stopped and stood in front of her, grabbing her hands into your own

"I'm fine! Let go of me!!" she tugged. But you held her wrists

"(y/n) You need to stop! It was you who told me to take care of my portable instruments so why didn't you tell me about this sooner?" You said, grabbing her bags and tugging her by her wrist to a nearby bench, luckily you guys were about halfway to her house, sadly that was too long a walk for the pain she must be in.

"I...i-i" she said with a loss of words as you saw a drop of water fall onto her wrist, followed by a few more, then some pitter pattering of drops

You looked around you as you felt them too, you thought she was crying but it was just rain? Talk about convenient rain, what is with this state's bipolar weather?

You looked from her hand back up to her face, well you weren't wrong, she was crying.

She reached her hand up to rub her eye, but you restricted her from doing so, "don't do that, you'll hurt yourself" You cautioned

You reached your own hand up to her face and wiped away her tears with your thumb, "it's okay." You shooshed her

"Wh-why are you helping me, even after I yelled at you?" she asked.

You took your bag of food and found some water in the bag, pouring the water into the palms of her hands and taking a napkin, dabbing at the bleeding blisters a bit, and then wrapping them, one by one.

You began to wrap one

"Well, despite what you may believe..." you started, then sighed,"my mom taught me that even when people say rude things to me, when someone is in need it's always good to help." you said with a warm smile, starting on the next hand

"Really?" she asked with a sniff afterward

"Yeah," you laughed a bit, trying not to cry yourself, you tried to stay strong,"she helped a lot of people before she passed...she helped me a lot by teaching me how to convey my emotions into the piano..." you said with a smile

"I-um..I'm sorry...I had no idea.." she apologized as you finished wrapping her hand,"Its fine, dont worry about it." You tried to reassure her

She was silent, your soon looked from down at her hands to her face scanning all of her features...she was more beautiful than you had ever imagined. From her glossy (eye color[s]) eyes to her jaw line

Your eyes flicked down to her lips on accident, aw heck.

However she did the same, her fingers lightly touched yours as your faces grew nearer and nearer, but conveniently enough the rain just HAD to become more than a sprinkle.

She flinched back when some rain hit the top of her nose, "oh no..." she said, "we'd better hurry" she said as you picked up all three bags and awkwardly helped her up, the both of you beginning to walk very quickly

             Mini timeskip***

Eventually you two reached her neighborhood, and after the awkward silence youd been in, she finally decided to speak

John X Reader ~Listen To The Melody~जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें