G flat

74 1 0

You sat on your bed and looked at your bruised fingertips. There used to be calaces back when you were a kid using a beginners violin. Of course with your skill, you jumped straight past an amateur violin and went to a pro. Again, reasons why you have bruises.

You decided since it was a Saturday you'd just look over your music from yesterday, you took your case and made your way down stairs.

How empty this big house was.

Until the sound rung in your ears of the doorbell. Ms.Katherine was here on a weekend? You wonder why??

You opened the door to be met with two familiar faces that in fact WEREN'T Ms.Katherine.

"Oh, hey...what are you doing here?" You asked

"John was just dying to see your face again" Rose said obviously joking

You blushed "w--?"

"NO ITS NOT LIKE THAT!" John said trying to reassure you

"We actually came here to see if you wanted to go over the music with us, it's totally up to you though--"

"Sure" you said before he went on a tangent

"I actually have a piano so..." You said as his face instantly lit up. Aw..

You opened the door wider, inviting them inside

"Whoa...this place is huge" John marveled

"Very intricate layout, impressive" Rose said with a smile on her face

"Heh...yeah, there's tons of space since nobody's really ever here.." you said trying your best not to be a downer, but they seemed kinda sad after you said it

"It's fine! Really it's okay." You attempted to reassure them.

"Actually I was just getting ready to start practicing. Come on, the piano is this way" you said leading them to the biggest room in the house where the grand piano was.

John looked excited and rushed over to it

"But please don't get side tracked, we really need to practi--" you were interrupted by John playing a 'G' chord

Rose laughed as he continued to play staccato g chords

You cocked up one of your eyebrows and gave him a 'really now.' sort of expression that ultimately signified he stop.

He took the message and stopped immediately.

You sat down in a chair beside the piano and pulled out your music, Rose sat beside you and did the same.

"Wow, I love the pedals on this piano, they work so nicely" John complimented

You just laughed because you weren't sure what else to say.

Rose looked between the two of you and just kept grinning.

You and rose had already learned two pieces, but it seemed John was still struggling, he also seemed to be getting frustrated.

Rose spoke, "John calm down. I'm sure you will get it soon enough." She said trying to be reassuring

"No! This is impossible and every time I do it I can't get it right!!" He angrily said instinctively doing more finger stretches.

You were worried, in the little time you've known him you didn't take him for one with much of a temper.

You set your violin in your case.

John X Reader ~Listen To The Melody~Where stories live. Discover now