F sharp

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Your POV

You have been up practicing by yourself all night so far.

It's late and you should probably get to bed, but you just couldn't stop thinking about John. You aren't even sure why actually, all he has been is rude the way you see it...

Though, the thought of apologizing has popped into your head, but the stubborn side of you says otherwise.

You laid down in your bed, exhausted you closed your eyes and drifted to a heavy sleep.

John's POV

After dinner, you and your brother decided to watch another shitty movie together because simply why not.

You had never asked him for advice on girls before, probably because the last time you had a crush on someone you were seven.

But you guessed you could give it a shot anyway.

"Hey, so..." You started reluctantly.

"Hm? What's up?" He asked half directing his attention to you.

"So say that a boy likes this girl...," you continued but we're only interrupted with an "oh boy.." from Jake.

"No! But like, he kind of pranked her when they first met okay. So would it still be ideal for him to ask her out or does he have no chance?" You asked playing it cool. Jake looked at you for a moment, oh you knew you shouldn't have asked him.

"Good grief," he sighed out before continuing, " you're the one who likes this girl huh?"

"Erm....yeah...." You said nervously scratching the back of your head.

"Well, now I don't wanna hurt your feelings but I would say ya goofed firstly"

"Yep, noted."

"Second, if you do wanna win her over ya might have to do something drastic. First just ask her out and see what she says, ya know to a movie or something. Just go from there or something"

You nodded your head, " 'kay thanks"

"No problem" Jake said ruffling your hair

"Hey!!" You said swatting his hand away.

"Goof ball, who pranks their crush", he laughed out, " that's freaking stupid"

You sighed. You really knew ya shouldn't have told him about it.

Your POV

Today is the day you would sign up for the spring orchestra!

As excited as you were, you made your way to school earlier than normal today

To your surprise, two people were already here signing up.

You made your way over, when you noticed that Rose was one of the people there.

You waved, "Hey Rose!!" Hurrying over to her. You stopped quickly realizing who the other person was.

"John? You're signing up for the spring orchestra??" You accidentally thought aloud.

"Eheheh, y-yeah" he nervously said finishing signing his name and turning around to face you.

"You are too huh?" He asked

You nodded in response a little nervous.

He handed you the pen

"Well, good luck then!" John said beginning to walk away.

"Hey!!" You shouted running up to him

John X Reader ~Listen To The Melody~Where stories live. Discover now