i. prologue

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September 2nd, 9th grade


"When we grow up, what do you think will be different?" Janna asked sleepily.

"Don't know," Star murmured. The sky was blanketed in inky blackness, dotted with tiny lights that could barely be seen from out of Star's bedroom window. The two of them were still up at one in the morning, and the early September cold caused them to cuddle into their blankets- Star on the bed, Janna on the floor. Ponyhead, always one to fall asleep quickly, was completely knocked out. "Hopefully nothing," she added. "I mean, it's not really growing up, Janna. Just high school. What could be different?"

"Everything," Janna said.

"Like what?"

"Maybe we'll climb up to the top." Janna turned over and faced Star, a smug look on her face. "You know, rule the school. You already are," she teased.

Star giggled. "Barely. Only because I'm dating Tom now."

"No, no, not just because you're dating Tom now," Janna pointed out. "You're a natural."

"Really?" Star asked, and fell silent for a minute. "That would be nice, but- no, I think I never could change."

"I don't think so. To be honest, I wouldn't be so surprised if you walked around that high school with an invisible crown on your head, princess," Janna whispered.

"Hey, Janna," Star murmured, letting out a yawn. "If I did, is that such a bad thing?"

Janna closed her eyes and thought for a second. "Well," she said finally, "it all depends on how you wear it."


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