prawn chips

282 34 10

8:47 pm

the party


sang stands there, staring widely at the house in front of him. filled with bass and loud teens from the inside & outside, the party is roaring and he's suddenly not so sure he wants to do it anymore.

"can we go home now?" sang almost turns his body, chuckling nervously but taeho's small yet strong hand grabs his shoulder as he purses his lips, holding him in his spot as he stares straight at the cement of the sidewalk with a determination in his eyes.

"no. you started this, dumbass," he turns sang back around so they're both facing forward.

"me? i didn't start this! this isn't my-"

"we're gonna finish it." taeho cuts sang off, grabbing his wrist tightly and walking both of them towards the front door of the house. sang isn't so sure why he's going along. he has every reason to back out of it right now, but something about the way taeho is gripping him makes him realise that taeho is hellbent on enjoying this party as if it was good. so sang submits.

and let's himself be dragged into the pits of hell.

but before they can even reach the point of sweaty bodies and a roaring speaker system, a body walks into sang, bumping his shoulder as if it was on purpose.

sang could almost scream if his throat wasn't enclosed with fear.

"nice costume, man." the voice laughs, almost mockingly. sarcastically.

but sang apparently isn't too quick on sarcasm.

he turns around to thank the boy, but his words fade off into the distance as he realises they're already gone.

oh, right.

sang looks down at himself, barely a costume fit for halloween. and taeho slaps his arm, prompting for them to keep walking.

they finally arrive inside, and it isn't as terrible as sang imagined it to be. however, he looks to the side and instantly sees a couple deepthroating each others tongues. he feels himself shiver.

"that's a sight for sore eyes," taeho scoffs, rolling his eyes. sang looks down at him with sad puppy eyes, like he's literally terrified.

"come on."

"food table?" sang asks, but in his mind it's practically a beg.

"what? no! we did not come to a party with booze and a high sex drive to stuff our faces with food all night."

sang pouts.

"oh, please. don't do that. you can grab food later. let's go find someone familiar." and yet again, taeho drags him around like a ragdoll while he sulks.


"so you're saying you have a high sex drive?"

they're sitting at a table now, in an off-cut section where it's less quieter. taeho's idea of 'let's find someone familiar' was to sit next to literally anyone who he's seen in his science class once. this one time, he chooses to sit at a dining table in front of a boy who is clearly feeling up his girlfriend.

sang sits against the chair, slumped in an awkward position, shoving prawn chips into his mouth.

"what? no." taeho scoffs loudly, and sang looks up at him, chewing obnoxiously.

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