"You're not eating much" Namjoon said while looking at Jennie, both sat at her glass table in the kitchen, the girl's plate still mostly full. "I'm not hungry" she responded bluntly. The lawyer sighed, "when are you? After months of prison slop, I would of thought you'd of put on tons of weight now you have people food again" he replied, trying to be light hearted. Jennie just threw her fork down on the table and shook her head, "why do you care so much about my eating and sleeping, oh and drinking habits huh? I can't even stand in front of a window without you whining about it. Just get off my case will you, you're not my fath..." a sensation of nausea filled Jennie's stomach as she realised what she nearly said. Her normally calm and patient friend now put his fork down too, though more gently than Jennie had, "Ok Jen, what is wrong? You've been making sniping remarks to me all day". The brunette closed her eyes, breathing heavily as she attempted to compose her emotions, not wanting to cry, "I miss her Namjoon". "And what about Seulgi? I thought things were going well" he responded. Jennie shrugged, "Sure but she doesn't even know my real name or who I really am, plus I put her in danger every time I see her, I'm still in love with you know who. I don't know how to stop. I'm not even sure I want to stop. I want her, even just to see her once, not knowing where she is or how she's doing makes this so much harder. I get to live here, I still have lots of money, I hate the thought that she's sleeping out on the streets or something". Namjoon reached his hand over the table, resting it on top of Jennie's as he lightly stroked it with his thumb, "I understand".

A now drunken Lisa made her way back onto the dance floor, moving wildly in rhythm with the intense techno grunge music that was playing, when she spotted an attractive older woman in the corner, who although was dressed the part in a revealing short black dress, looked out of place, and seemed disgusted by everything and everyone. Still, she was hot and Lisa was drunk, perfect combo in the Thai's mind.

"Hey gorgeous" Lisa said in what she believed was a sexy and alluring tone of voice but in reality she slurred it drunkenly at the confused woman. "Um hi" the dark haired beauty responded awkwardly. The red head leaned in, spilling her drink everywhere but not noticing, "you are like really prettyyyyyyyy, wanna fulj?" she hiccupped, slurring her final word beyond recognition, which was fortunate for her because had this older woman understood what she meant, Lisa would have gotten a slap. The woman smiled, "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch that?". "I said what's your name?" the Thai replied. "Oh. It's Mi-young. What's yours?" she replied sweetly. Lisa grinned, believing in her intoxicated state that she was genuinely charming the pants off this woman, which of course, she was not, "My name is Lis...Pran....uh...Tu..Turtles!". Mi-young's eyes widened, "Your name is...Turtles? You are named after a turtle and well plural turtles?". "That's right! My mom loves turtles" Lisa giggled before losing her balance and falling backwards, Mi-young quickly catching her. "I think we need to get you sobered up", Mi-young guided the Thai towards a quiet table in the back, and gave her a glass of water, the two girls stayed there for a while as Lisa began to sober up.

They chatted for a couple of hours, Mi-young actually finding Turtles pretty funny and charming, so much so that she found herself reciprocating the red head's flirting. "Do you wanna head into the bathroom for some...alone time?" Turtles enquired seductively. Mi-young blushed, "I would prefer somewhere a little more private, what about my place?". Turtles had sobered up but was still drunk, had totally forgotten about Bobby and that she shouldn't be going home with random people she doesn't know, but turns out, drunk Turtles is a moron. "Sure!" she responded, winking.

Mi-young lead Turtles out of the club towards her car in the carpark, a red sports car, clearly expensive, that alone should be ringing alarm bells for the Thai but instead she was too busy staring at the older woman's ass while following her towards the vehicle. "I just need to get my jacket from the backseat, hold on a sec" the dark haired woman said while opening the back door and leaning in, but Turtles was in no mood for waiting till they got back to her home and decided this was as good a place as any to have sex, after all, there wasn't anyone around. Well, nobody except for the two people still keeping close surveillance on Turtles of course. Mi-young found herself flipped round onto her back and pinned to the back seat of her car, "hey what are you doing?". The red head climbed on top of her and began kissing her neck, "I'm forgetting what I need to forget" she mumbled against the older woman's skin. Mi-young felt a little panicked and reached her arm up, turning on the light in the backseat so she could get a better look at the woman on top of her. The younger girl lifted her head from Mi-young's neck to face her, surprised by what she was doing, "what did you do that for?" she asked. Mi-young was red faced, embarrassed at how quickly she was back down from sleeping with the stranger, "I-I'm sorry I'm not really feeling this and...woah wait, Lisa?!". Lisa's eyes widened in fear, she'd been recognised, and they called her Lisa rather than Pranpriya, the name the public knew her as, if they know her name is Lisa then they have to be an assassin rather than the cops. Lisa quickly pulled out her trusty switchblade she had kept hidden in the waistband of Bobby's pants and held it against the woman's throat, "Listen to me carefully bitch, I am going to get out of this car and you are going to follow me, then you are going to get into the trunk of your car and I'm going to run away. Try anything and you'll be going in that trunk dead, do you understand Mi-young?".

Lone Wolf / Jenlisa (OITNBP Season 2)Where stories live. Discover now