Graylen remained by my side, I brush a hand through her fur and sigh out, "Wheres Ben?" I question.

She looked up at me and moved her head, as if she were shaking it to say no. She snapped her canines and let out a low growl when her eyes landed on something behind me.

Turning around I suck in a breath, "Thank god, I was just about to send out a search party for you." I say jokingly, but he just stood there.

His face void of all emotion.

"Ben?" I drawl out softly, feeling something ache inside of me.

His eyes narrowed, now glowing bright red. He wasn't in his wolf form, but you could see he was fighting to stay human. His hair began to grow and his nails turned into sharp claws.

"There's no fighting it," He growls.

I feel Graylen shift next to me but shot her a look, "What are you talking about?" I question.

He snapped his canines at me, a conflict dancing in his eyes as he stared down at me.

"The monster inside, it's free." He whispered and my eyes widened.

Graylen growled next to me while Francis squeezed my hand in his, "The darkness, it got to him." He whispered in my ear.

That's when Nanas words echoed in my mind, about choosing sides. About choosing light or darkness, becoming the beast or becoming more then the beast. It all started to make sense now.

Ben has always had difficulty with his beast, with choosing right from wrong. He was always labeled as a monster so he decided to become the monster.

"Della!" I hear Ilias shout from behind me.

I turn around to see both Skeeter and Briar snapping their canines at my brothers.

Silas and Asher both walk towards me and when I assume their about to stop I'm surprised when they walk right past me, taking a stand next to Ben.

My eyes widened and my heart dropped in my chest. I turn around to see Ilias with Isiah, an uncertain look on his face as he looked at his younger brother.

"Isiah," I whisper, walking towards him slowly while reaching out for him slowly. There was something off about him, something off with his appearance and scent.

I take a step closer and froze, my hand landing on his shoulder softly.

I was paralyzed, fear seeping in while I stood there, seeing everything. It was like a little movie was playing inside of my head once I made contact with him.

That's when I seen it, I seen it all.

He didn't know what he was, he doesn't remember what happened to him. How he was knocked out, how he was fed blood before having his neck snapped. How he was turned that night.

I pull away from him while stumbling backwards, "Vampire." I blurt out, a sick feeling sinking in my stomach.

Isiah rose an eyebrow while Ilias shook his head, "Impossible, our mother was human." He replied.

"He was attacked one night, fed Vampire blood before being killed. Someone turned him on purpose." I explain, my heart racing rapidly.

I go to reach for Isiah when he pulled away quickly, "Are you fucking joking? I'm not a blood sucker, I think I would know if-"

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