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" things may shift in life, but wherever you land is where you need to be."

I felt like I was ready to tear myself apart, I began pacing back and forth while Nana sat there smiling while sipping away at her cup of tea.

"Nana, I need help," I cry out, dragging my hands through my hair. At first I thought I could handle this by myself but just the thought of Ben makes me want to tear myself into pieces.

He completely disappeared and I haven't heard from him since.

"What do you know about Cupid?" I ask, she looks up at me and grins widely while leaning back in her rocking chair.

I always hated the look she gave me, where she knew something I didn't.

"Cupid is the God of desire, erotic love, attraction and affection," Nana says, rocking back in her chair slowly as her cat jumped up on her lap and curled into a ball.

I sat across from her with my hands placed in my lap to keep from fidgeting while my leg bounced uncontrollably.

"He is the son of the love goddess Venus and son of the god of war, Mars," Nana explains, "His bow and arrow are what give him his power," She added on.

I shook my head while my mind raced, always coming back to one thought - Ben.

"Anyone shot with one of his arrows is filled with uncontrollable desire," She says and I grumble under my breath.

This couldn't be what my life's come to, maybe this was one very real seeming dream. Perhaps I was in a coma and this was all part of my imagination.

"Why'd you want to know dear?" She asks and I place my face in my hands, feeling my body slightly shake.

I grunt out and drag a hand through my hair nervously while forcing a small smile, "Well - uh, you see-" I drawl out but she began laughing, cutting me off of my embarrassing attempt to actually talk.

"You were hit with one of his arrows weren't you?" She asks, and when my head shot up quickly and my jaw dropped, that's when she began laughing.

The cats meows loudly as she goes into a laughing fit, "Nana!" I cry out.

"Oh honey, the arrows doesn't make you do anything you didn't already want to do," She explains and I felt my chest tighten at her words.

Crazy old lady say what?

I shook my head, "What do you mean by that?" I question and she giggles again.

"Honey, the arrow just gives you a nudge, it intensifies feelings that were already there, and he never does it randomly so you were chosen for a reason," She explains and I grumble out and lie back.

Looking up at the ceiling I silently curse god, "But why?" I whine out.

"Depends, who was the other one hit?" She asks and I felt my stomach tie in knots.

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